University Catalog

Architecture - Graduate Programs

Master's Degree


The purpose of the Master of Architecture degree program is to educate and prepare students to secure leadership positions in the profession of architecture. Within a broad curriculum, design as a discipline and as a process is emphasized. Students are encouraged to give rich visual and material substance to both theoretical and pragmatic ideas. The context for design at the School of Architecture is the contemporary urban condition, a point of departure that is especially appropriate for a school at the heart of a diverse, expanding, and internationally oriented region like Dallas/Fort Worth.

Each student's prior record of study of each student determines where, in a progression from introductory to advanced work, the program is entered. There are three distinct programs of study, which provide options to graduate students with different backgrounds and needs.

  • Path A Master of Architecture (3 ½ years, 104 credit hours; requires a 4-year bachelors degree)
  • Path B Master of Architecture (2 years, 57 credit hours; requires a 4-year pre-professional degree in architecture)

The University of Texas at Arlington, School of Architecture also offers the following post-professional Master of Architecture degree program:

  • Path C is for applicants who already hold an accredited professional degree in architecture and desire to earn a second professional degree. It requires at least one year of advanced work.

Students interested in a post-professional degree program of study may wish to consider the Master of Sustainable Building Technology


The discipline of design is deeply informed by history, theory, technology, and broader cultural settings. Architecture and its practice exist within the social fabric. Thus discourse and communication are a vital part of the educational process. Design studios, lecture courses, seminars, and workshops develop critical thinking skills of students, as well as their visual sensibilities. Through case studies in studios and courses, students learn to present ideas, and to receive and give constructive criticism. Visiting faculty, leading practitioners, and teachers from other schools provide a rich connection to the world of building and to a diversity of views. In addition, international student exchange programs, study-travel courses, and numerous internship opportunities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area connect the learning of architecture with the wider world.

Graduate Teaching Assistantships

To be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistant position, the candidate must be admitted without provisional conditions. Candidates whose native language is not English must submit an acceptable score on the Test of Spoken English (TSE-A) before arriving in the United States. GTA positions in architecture are limited and are very competitive.


To be considered for a Dean's Fellowship, the candidate must have a favorable review in most of the evaluation criteria. Candidates must be new students coming to UT Arlington, must have a GPA of 3.0 in their last 60 undergraduate credit hours and any graduate credit hours, and must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 hours in both long semesters to retain their fellowships. Fellowships in architecture are limited and very competitive.

Prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact the Graduate Advisor and discuss their options, the admission process, and how the M.Arch program may fit in their professional plans. Students are also invited to visit the School, sit in on classes, and meet faculty and students at the School of Architecture.