Bachelor of Science in Construction Management
Undergraduate Programs
The following sections apply to each student majoring in any undergraduate program housed in the Civil Engineering Department: Architectural Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Construction Management. In these sections, "program" refers to any of these programs and "student" refers to any student (UCOL, Intended, or Professional Program) majoring in any one of these programs.
Refer to the College of Engineering section of this catalog for additional information concerning the following topics: Admission to the College of Engineering, Advising, Admission into the Professional Program, College of Engineering Academic Regulations, Honors Degrees in Engineering, Professional Engineering Licensure, and Cooperative Education.
Admission Requirements
Admission as an Architectural Engineering major, a Civil Engineering major, or a Construction Management major is subject to the relevant requirements and policies of the University of Texas at Arlington and of the UTA College of Engineering. The Civil Engineering Department does not impose additional requirements.
Transfer Credit
When a student transfers, a loss of credit can occur that may require change in academic plans. A course, that appears to be similar, may be different in either content or level of difficulty and, as a result, cannot be used for degree credit. Another course may have no equivalent in a particular degree plan. More than one transferred course may satisfy a degree requirement when only one is required. The UTA Civil Engineering Department encourages students interested in our programs to make early contact with our advisors so that we can help avoid these problems.
A student must earn a grade of C or better for a course to be transferred. Any course that is offered under the Texas Common Course Numbering system is accepted as equivalent to the corresponding UTA course. It is the responsibility of the student to establish the equivalence of any other course or courses to a course required in a program. The student should be prepared to provide a syllabus or similar documents to establish equivalence. To be acceptable as equivalent, at a minimum, a transferred course must have no less credit value than the corresponding course and contain substantially equivalent course content. To be accepted in transfer, junior and senior level courses must be taken at a college or university with the same accreditation as UTA in the area offering the course. For example, a Civil Engineering course must come from an ABET accredited Civil Engineering program.
When a student's record or performance indicates weakness in certain areas of study, they may be required to retake courses or to take additional courses.
Before enrolling in a course at another institution to transfer for credit toward a program degree, a student should consult with a program advisor to verify that the course can be used in the student's degree plan and to obtain the necessary written permission.
Academic advisement is required for every undergraduate student before class enrollment each semester.
A new student with fewer than 24 hours of transferrable credit, including any student entering directly from high school, is advised in the University Advising Center of University College. After one or more semesters and sufficient progress in the degree program, this student is released by the University Advising Center to the program advisors.
Prior to enrollment, a new student with 24 or more hours of transferrable credit must make an appointment with the transfer advisor of their program. However, if all of the student's transfer credit was earned at a Texas community college, an appointment may be scheduled with any advisor for their program. The advising appointment should be scheduled as soon as possible after admission, but certainly prior to registration. A transfer student should not make an advising appointment with a transfer advisor after the initial evaluation of their transfer credit is complete.
During each long semester, a specified period is set aside for the academic advisement of continuing students. Each continuing student is responsible for meeting with their program advisor during this advising period. Continuing students will receive instructions prior to each advising period related to preparing for and making an advising appointment. Academic advising will be available at other times but a student who does not meet with their program advisor during the regular advising period may have fewer alternatives when selecting courses.
Academic Rules, Regulations, and Policies
In addition to the rules, regulations, and policies established below and in the individual program sections, each student is subject to the rules, regulations, and policies of the University of Texas at Arlington and of the UTA College of Engineering. Each student should become familiar with these. The rules, regulations, and policies of the University of Texas at Arlington and of the UTA College of Engineering are set forth in other sections of this catalog. It is the responsibility of each student to follow the applicable published rules. Failure to follow these rules may be grounds for dismissal from the program.
CE Department Course Requisites
- A student must have the written approval of their program advisor to register for any course that will satisfy a requirement of their degree program.
- A student must have specific written permission of their program advisor to register at a different institution for any course that will satisfy a requirement of their degree program.
- A student may not attempt a CE Department course without satisfying all current requisite requirements. A prerequisite course requirement is satisfied by earning a grade of C or better. A co-requisite course requirement is satisfied by earning a grade of C or better or by concurrent enrollment in the course at UTA.
- A student may not drop a course which is co-requisite to a CE Department course without also dropping the CE Department course.
- No professional program courses may be attempted until the student is admitted into the professional program or obtains the written permission of their program advisor for one semester or obtains the written permission of the program advisor and Department Chair for any subsequent enrollment.
Repeating Courses
A student may not attempt any course more than three times and apply that course toward a program degree. Enrollment in a course for a period of time sufficient for assignment of a grade, including a grade of W, is considered an attempt.
Admission to the Professional Program
Requirements for admission to the professional program in each program are in accordance with those of the College of Engineering with the following added stipulations:
- Application to the professional program is to be made to the CE Department during the semester that the advancement requirements are being completed.
- Each student must complete all pre-professional courses stipulated under "Requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in" the program with a minimum grade of C in each course and a minimum GPA of 2.25 in: a) all courses, b) in all math, science, and engineering courses, and c) in all program specific courses.
- Upon receipt of the application, a student's record is individually reviewed including grades, academic and personal integrity, record of drops and course withdrawals, the order in which courses have been taken, the number of times a student has attempted a course for credit, and any other aspect of the student's record that may be deemed pertinent to admission.
The student must be admitted to the professional program and have an approved degree plan on file in order to graduate. The degree plan is generated upon entry to the professional program. Graduating seniors should apply to graduate during the next-to-last semester.
Grounds for Dismissal from the CE Program
A student whom the UTA Office of Student Conduct has found to have violated the UTA Code of Student Conduct a second time is subject to dismissal from the CE program.
Minor Field of Study
The Civil Engineering Department does not support the option of pursuing a minor in Architectural Engineering, in Civil Engineering, or in Construction Management by other engineering or non-engineering majors.
Educational and Professional Career Paths
The construction industry is one of the largest industries in the world, based on either employment or expenditure. A responsible position in construction management requires the ability to apply principles from business, mathematics, science, and engineering to construction projects in a wide variety of nature, type, and scope. Construction managers plan, construct, maintain, and manage facilities essential to modern, civilized human life. Projects requiring construction management expertise include buildings, bridges, tunnels, transportation systems, and facilities utilized in various specialized industrial processes.
Construction management graduates are prepared for advanced graduate degrees and a wide range of career paths in areas including consulting, governmental agencies, and industry. In addition to the traditional careers in construction management, graduates may take advantage of their strong, broad based education to pursue careers in professions such as law, business, or teaching.
Construction Management BS Degree at UT Arlington
At the undergraduate level, the department offers a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management degree designed to provide the necessary foundation in business, science, mathematics, and engineering required for the management of construction projects of all sizes. The program will also instill an understanding of the importance of ethics, safety, professionalism, and socioeconomic concerns in resolving technical problems through synthesis, planning, and design.
The Civil Engineering Department will seek accreditation by the Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission of ABET ( and the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) ( The Construction Management program is housed in the Civil Engineering Department.
Educational Objectives of the Undergraduate Program
Most alumni of the CM program will attain the following Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) within a few years after graduation:
- To be able to successfully manage the construction process from pre-construction through final completion.
- To be able to apply leadership, team building, and communication skills to effectively solve problems and positively impact the overall construction process.
- To commit to continued professional growth through advanced degrees and/or certifications and be able to take initiative to grow in their positions and assume leadership roles within their chosen profession.
Student Outcomes of the Undergraduate Program
In order to produce graduates who will achieve the Program Educational Objectives a few years after graduation, it is expected that the undergraduate students will attain the following Student Outcomes by the time of graduation:
- an ability to identify, formulate, and solve broadly defined technical or scientific problems by applying knowledge of mathematics and science and/or technical topics to areas relevant to the discipline
- an ability to formulate or design a system, process, procedure or program to meet desired needs
- an ability to develop and conduct experiments or test hypotheses, analyze and interpret data and use scientific judgment to draw conclusions
- an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
- an ability to understand ethical and professional responsibility and the impact of technical and/or scientific solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
- an ability to function effectively on teams that establish goals, plan task, meet deadline, and analyze risk and uncertainty