University Catalog

Educational Leadership & Policy Studies - Graduate Programs


The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies offers the Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. In addition to core courses in PK-20 educational leadership and policy, two distinct emphases are available: Principal Certificate Courses and Higher Education Administration Emphasis. Students build upon their existing expertise with progressive skills that can increase student achievement, improve teacher performance, and increase organizational effectiveness of schools and higher education institutions. 

For those with a master’s degree, the Department offers principal certification preparation courses for candidates seeking a Principal as Instructional Leader Certificate.

The department has specific requirements that must be met for recommendation to take the TExES Exam. Please see the department's website at

The department offers a Hispanic Serving Leadership Preparation Graduate Certificate for those leaders with a bachelor's degree seeking to close pipeline gaps for all students and in particular for LatinX students. This certificate is also for those leaders who are seeking to serve within or already are leading within Hispanic Serving institutions.  Students who participate in this certificate program may apply certificate coursework to the degree requirements for an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Higher Education Administration emphasis, after applying for and being accepted into that master’s degree program.

The Department offers the Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies that focuses on PK-20 educational leadership and policy issues.

The department also offers a BA-PhD track in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with Higher Education Administration Emphasis. Students accepted in the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with Higher Education Administration Emphasis can elect, with program approval, to pursue the integrated BA-PhD track which allows students to start doctoral work earlier and transfer into the Ph.D. program upon completion of 30 semester credit hours and after two evaluations of their academic progress. These students will go through an early Ph.D. program admission process within the ELPS Department as soon as they have completed a minimum of 18 semester credit hours in the master’s program.

To support educational leaders with student mental health as well as community relations, the department offers a dual degree with the School of Social Work, which is a Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (Higher Education Administration Emphasis) and a Master of Social Work (MEd/MSW). Students admitted to this dual degree program can apply 6-9 semester hours jointly to meet the requirements of both degrees, thus reducing the total number of hours which would be required to earn these degrees separately. Those interested in a dual degree program should consult the MEd or MSW Graduate Advisor for further information on admission and course requirements. See also information on Dual Degree Programs in the Advanced Degree Requirements section of this catalog.

Degrees and Certifications

Graduate work in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at UTA may lead to the following degrees and certifications:


  • Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
    • Principal Certificate Courses
    • Higher Education Administration Emphasis
  • BA-PhD track in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with Higher Education Administration Emphasis
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Dual Degree

  • Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with Higher Education Administration Emphasis and a Master in Social Work dual degree (MEd/MSW). 


  • Principal Certification Preparation Only

Graduate Certificate

  • Hispanic Serving Leadership Preparation Graduate Certificate

Criminal History Acknowledgement

As required by Texas HB1508, applicants need to be aware of the following.

1.       In order to receive educator certification in Texas, you must pass a criminal history background check.

2.       If you have been convicted of an offense that is considered not appropriate for an educator, you could be ineligible to earn this certification from the state of Texas.

3.       You have a right to request a preliminary criminal history evaluation letter from the Texas Education Agency prior to admission into this program. The Texas Education Agency currently charges a non-refundable $50 fee for this criminal history evaluation.

For more information on Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation:

Information for Out-of-State Students Who Complete COEd Programs

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires candidates seeking certification to complete all practica in a TEA-approved site. Out-of-state students who do not complete the practicum at a UTA College of Education and TEA-approved site and meet all other TEA requirements do not qualify for Texas educator certification. If seeking certification outside of Texas, please work with your state agency in the state in which you are seeking certification to determine eligibility and to complete any additional requirements. Please note that after successful completion of your UTA College of Education degree, you may request a memo indicating your degree completion. UTA cannot recommend out-of-state students for certification and cannot recommend out-of-state students to take Texas certification exam(s). Additionally, UTA faculty and staff cannot complete out-of-state form requests for individuals seeking certification, licensure, and/or endorsements in another state according to TEA.

Professional Dispositions

Each student/candidate in the College of Education of UT Arlington will be evaluated on Professional Dispositions by the faculty and staff. These dispositions are identified as essential for a highly-qualified professional. Instructors and program directors will work with students/candidates rated as “unacceptable” in one or more stated criteria. The student/candidate will have an opportunity to develop a plan to remediate any digressions. If digression(s) are not, or cannot be successfully remediated as in the case of an egregious digression, a determination will be made by Committee on continuation or dismissal from the College of Education.


Certification program requirements may change as state/TEA certification requirements change.

Admissions Requirements - Master’s Degree Program

All students, including those enrolled in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies master’s program, must meet university, college, department, and Texas Administrative Code qualifications in order to participate in educator preparation programs. 

The overall grade point average (GPA) of each incoming class admitted between September 1 and August 31 of each year by an educator preparation program (EPP) may not be less than 3.0 on a four-point scale or the equivalent.

College of Education Master’s Degree Requirements

Unconditional Admission Criteria

  • 2 or more years relevant work experience
  • Undergraduate transcripts with a 3.0 GPA during the last 60 hours or 3.0 cumulative GPA, the higher of which will be used for admission purposes. A 3.0 GPA on the last 9 hours of graduate coursework may be considered in place of undergraduate GPA.
  • 2 professional letters of reference on file
  • Program areas may have additional requirements.

Probationary Admission Criteria

  • Applicants with less than 2 years relevant work experience must provide 2 professional letters of reference.
  • Students granted probationary admission must maintain a 3.0 (B or better) GPA in the first 9 credit hours of graduate coursework in the College of Education program to be converted from probationary to unconditional admission.
  • Program areas may have additional requirements.

Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies M.Ed. Program

Admission to the Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies is competitive and some qualified applicants may not be admitted if demand exceeds the program’s capacity to serve all applicants. 

All applicants/students must meet university, college, department, and Texas Administrative Code qualifications in order to participate in educator preparation programs. Out-of-state students will not qualify for Texas educator certification. Therefore, students should review their state's requirements to determine if completion of a program at UTA will lead to certification in their state.

Program areas have additional requirements including documents for TEA reporting, including: 1) a written response to the given prompt (fulfills “other screening instrument” as required by The Texas Education Agency), and 2) completion of Attestation and FERPA forms. In addition, some programs require access to an approved PK-12 setting. The overall grade point average (GPA) of each incoming class admitted between September 1 and August 31 of each year by an educator preparation program (EPP) may not be less than 3.0 on a four-point scale or the equivalent. Certification programs have additional TAC requirements for GPA (used by the program in addition to, not in lieu of, the requirements stated above).

For certification-eligible candidates, per 19 TAC 228.40, (d) an EPP [educator preparation program] shall determine the readiness of each candidate to take the appropriate certification examination of content, pedagogy, and professional responsibilities, including professional ethics and standards of conduct. An EPP shall not grant test approval for a certification examination until a candidate has met all of the requirements for admission to the EPP and has been contingently or formally admitted into the EPP. An EPP may make test approval contingent on a candidate completing additional coursework and/or training to show that the candidate is prepared to pass the test if the candidate is seeking test approval from the EPP in an area where the standards and/or test changed since the candidate completed the EPP or if the candidate has returned to the EPP for test approval five or more years following the academic year of completion.

Unconditional Admission Criteria

  1. 2 or more years of relevant work experience
  2. Undergraduate transcripts with a 3.0 GPA during the last 60 hours or 3.0 cumulative GPA, the higher of which will be used for admission purposes. A 3.0 GPA on the last 9 hours of graduate coursework may be considered in place of undergraduate GPA.
  3. 2 professional letters of reference on file. Letters from supervisors are strongly encouraged.

Probationary Admission Criteria

  1. Applicants who meet requirements 2) and 3) from unconditional admission criteria but have less than 2 years of relevant work experience may be granted probationary admission. The faculty admissions committee may require additional documents (e.g., GRE scores) for consideration.
  2. Students granted probationary admission must maintain a 3.0 (B or better) GPA in the first 9 credit hours of graduate coursework in the College of Education program to be converted from probationary to unconditional admission.

Unconditional Admission

An applicant who meets all requirements is normally considered for unconditional admission. Unconditionally admitted students must maintain a 3.0 GPA for the duration of the program and have at least a 3.0 GPA in order to graduate.

Probationary Admission

An applicant who does not meet all requirements for unconditional admission nevertheless may show promise for successful graduate study and, upon recommendation of the graduate advisor, Committee on Graduate Studies and with approval of the academic dean may be granted probationary admission. Students admitted on probation to any graduate program in the College of Education must earn a 3.0 GPA, with no grade lower than a B, on the first nine credit hours of study. In addition, in order to graduate from UTA and the College of Education, all candidates must have at least a 3.0 GPA.

Deferred Admission

An applicant’s admission may be deferred when a file is not complete or when denying admission is not appropriate. 

Denied Admission

An applicant may be denied admission if the conditions for unconditional or probationary admission are not met. In addition, if a student was suspended or expelled from the University of Texas at Arlington or any other university or program for reasons other than academic, that student may be denied admission or readmission to an educator preparation program in the UTA College of Education. 

Criminal History Acknowledgement

As required by Texas HB1508, applicants need to be aware of the following.

1.       In order to receive educator certification in Texas, you must pass a criminal history background check.

2.       If you have been convicted of an offense that is considered not appropriate for an educator, you could be ineligible to earn this certification from the state of Texas.

3.       You have a right to request a preliminary criminal history evaluation letter from the Texas Education Agency prior to admission into this program. The Texas Education Agency currently charges a non-refundable $50 fee for this criminal history evaluation.

For more information on Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation:

Information for Out-of-State Students Who Complete COEd Programs

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires candidates seeking certification to complete all practica in a TEA-approved site. Out-of-state students who do not complete the practicum at a UTA College of Education and TEA-approved site and meet all other TEA requirements do not qualify for Texas educator certification. If seeking certification outside of Texas, please work with your state agency in the state in which you are seeking certification to determine eligibility and to complete any additional requirements. Please note that after successful completion of your UTA College of Education degree, you may request a memo indicating your degree completion. UTA cannot recommend out-of-state students for certification and cannot recommend out-of-state students to take Texas certification exam(s). Additionally, UTA faculty and staff cannot complete out-of-state form requests for individuals seeking certification, licensure, and/or endorsements in another state according to TEA.

Master's Degree Programs

In order to graduate from UTA and the College of Education, all candidates must have at least a 3.0 GPA.

Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, with Principal Certificate Courses

Core Courses
Total Hours30

Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, with Higher Education Administration Emphasis

Core Courses
Higher Education Administration Emphasis Courses
Total Hours30

Coursework and Degree Completion Requirements

  • Master’s degree and university graduate-level certificate programs must be completed within six years (time in military service excluded) from initial registration in the Office of Graduate Studies. Coursework that is more than six years old at the time of graduation or program completion cannot be used toward meeting the requirements for a master’s degree or university graduate-level certificate. Coursework that is more than five years old cannot be used toward state certification requirements for licensure (further restrictions may apply, depending on program).
  • Each student/candidate in the College of Education of UT Arlington will be evaluated on Professional Dispositions by the faculty and staff. These dispositions are identified as essential for a highly-qualified professional. Instructors and program directors will work with students/candidates rated as “unacceptable” in one or more stated criteria. The student/candidate will have an opportunity to develop a plan to remediate any digressions. If digression(s) are not, or cannot be successfully remediated as in the case of an egregious digression, a determination will be made by Committee on continuation or dismissal from the College of Education.

Please see Doctoral Section for information pertaining to BA-PhD track in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with Higher Education Administration Emphasis.

Dual Degree Program with School of Social Work

The department also offers a dual degree with the School of Social Work, in which students may earn a Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (Higher Education Administration Emphasis) and a Master of Social Work (MEd/MSW). 

By participating in a dual degree program, students can apply 6-9 semester hours jointly to meet the requirements of both degrees, thus reducing the total number of hours which would be required to earn both degrees separately.

To participate in the dual degree program, students must apply separately to each program and must submit a separate Program of Work for each degree. Those interested in a dual degree program should consult the appropriate Graduate Advisor(s) for further information on course requirements. See also information on Dual Degree Programs in the Advanced Degree Requirements section of this catalog.

Doctoral Degree Program

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

The Ph.D. degree is designed for candidates who seek to enter careers in research, institutional assessment, policy analysis, institutional leadership, higher education administration, or the professoriate. The program challenges the conventional wisdom that higher education and PK-12 education are different worlds by bringing together scholars and students from all levels of education to work and study together. Particularly, the program focuses on narrowing achievement gaps by studying and creating efficacious transitions within the educational experience. Working from the premise that all people can learn at high levels, the program includes the study of the systemic barriers at all levels of education that prevent so many children, adolescents, and adults from being as successful as they can possibly be.

In addition to becoming experts in their particular area of inquiry, graduates will have a broad foundation in the study of educational leadership and policy at all levels. Students in the Ph.D. program will be part of a cohort throughout their coursework. Qualified students in the M.Ed. with Higher Education Administration Emphasis program who elect an integrated BA-PhD track in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies with Higher Education Administration Emphasis will transfer into the PhD program upon completion of 30 SCH and after two evaluations of their academic progress. After transfer, they will complete the same required coursework as the doctoral cohort they have joined, and will have the opportunity to take more higher education elective courses.

Admission Requirements - Ph.D. Program

A select number of qualified applicants are admitted each session to the cohort-based program. Each cohort begins coursework during the fall semester. Specific guidelines for applying to this program are found on the departmental website. Admission into this program is very competitive. The departmental admissions committee considers prior educational experiences, prior work experiences, GRE scores, a statement of interest, professional references, and so forth. Meeting admission standards does not guarantee admission to the program. 

In addition to the general Office of Graduate Studies admission requirements, applicants must meet the following requirements for unconditional admission.

  • Master’s degree in education or other field appropriate for the doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.
  • Grade point minimum average of 3.5 out of a possible 4.0 from the master’s degree.
  • Successful applicants for unconditional admission are expected to present a minimum of two of the following three Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores: (1) verbal minimum score of 153, (2) quantitative score of 144, and (3) written analytical minimum score of 4 or equivalent.
  • Applicants who do not meet the minimum score requirement for a standardized test will be considered for probationary admission status when other factors are taken into account in a holistic review.
  • A minimum score of 79 on the Test of English As a Foreign Language Internet Based Test (TOEFL iBT) for applicants whose native language is not English.
  • At least three years of documented experience in a work environment in which the primary professional responsibility at any level has been education (e.g., teaching, administration, curriculum development, professional development, post-secondary education, government or private industry settings) is recommended.
  • Admission is very competitive. Meeting admission standards does not guarantee admission to the program.
  • Applicants who have been suspended or expelled from the University of Texas at Arlington or any other university or program for reasons other than academic reasons may be denied admission or readmission to an educator preparation program in the College of Education.
Required Courses
1. Research Methods Core (15 hours)
2. Core Content Courses (15 hours)
3. Elective Courses (18 hours)
Approved elective courses
4. Dissertation (18 semester credit hours minimum) selected from:


The dissertation is the culmination of the Ph.D. program and represents a distinct contribution to the field of knowledge. A dissertation defense is required.

BA-PhD Track in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, with Higher Education Administration Emphasis

Students accepted in the M.Ed. with Higher Education Administration Emphasis can elect, with program approval, to pursue the integrated BA-PhD track which allows students to start doctoral work earlier and transfer into the Ph.D. program upon completion of 30 semester credit hours and after two evaluations of their academic progress. These students go through an early Ph.D. program admission process within the ELPS Department as soon as they have completed a minimum 18 semester credit hours in the master’s program. Contact Dr. Maria Trache ( for program details. 

Professional Dispositions

Each student/candidate in the College of Education of UT Arlington will be evaluated on Professional Dispositions by the faculty and staff. These dispositions are identified as essential for a highly-qualified professional. Instructors and program directors will work with students/candidates rated as “unacceptable” in one or more stated criteria. The student/candidate will have an opportunity to develop a plan to remediate any digressions. If digression(s) are not, or cannot be successfully remediated as in the case of an egregious digression, a determination will be made by Committee on continuation or dismissal from the College of Education.

The following information addresses Texas educator certification. Requirements may change as the Texas Administrative Code and/or Texas Education Code changes.

Recommendation to the State Board for Educator Certification

To be eligible for certification under all programs, a candidate must meet specific criteria set by the College of Education, the University, and the Texas Education Agency/State Board for Educator Certification. To be recommended for certification to the Texas Education Agency/State Board for Educator Certification, a candidate must have successfully completed the following: met all Texas Education Agency requirements for certification recommendation, passed required TExES exam(s), and other required exams, and successfully completed educator preparation program with grades and/or degree posted to transcript in MyMav.

For certification-eligible candidates, per 19 TAC 228.40, (d) an EPP [educator preparation program] shall determine the readiness of each candidate to take the appropriate certification examination of content, pedagogy, and professional responsibilities, including professional ethics and standards of conduct. An EPP shall not grant test approval for a certification examination until a candidate has met all of the requirements for admission to the EPP and has been contingently or formally admitted into the EPP. An EPP may make test approval contingent on a candidate completing additional coursework and/or training to show that the candidate is prepared to pass the test if the candidate is seeking test approval from the EPP in an area where the standards and/or test changed since the candidate completed the EPP or if the candidate has returned to the EPP for test approval five or more years following the academic year of completion.

There is a limit of four TExES exam retakes per state policy. Requirements may change as the Texas Administrative Code and/or Texas Education Code changes.

Criminal History Acknowledgement

As required by Texas HB1508, applicants need to be aware of the following.

1.       In order to receive educator certification in Texas, you must pass a criminal history background check.

2.       If you have been convicted of an offense that is considered not appropriate for an educator, you could be ineligible to earn this certification from the state of Texas.

3.       You have a right to request a preliminary criminal history evaluation letter from the Texas Education Agency prior to admission into this program. The Texas Education Agency currently charges a non-refundable $50 fee for this criminal history evaluation.

For more information on Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation:

Information for Out-of-State Students Who Complete COEd Programs

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires candidates seeking certification to complete all practica in a TEA-approved site. Out-of-state students who do not complete the practicum at a UTA College of Education and TEA-approved site and meet all other TEA requirements do not qualify for Texas educator certification. If seeking certification outside of Texas, please work with your state agency in the state in which you are seeking certification to determine eligibility and to complete any additional requirements. Please note that after successful completion of your UTA College of Education degree, you may request a memo indicating your degree completion. UTA cannot recommend out-of-state students for certification and cannot recommend out-of-state students to take Texas certification exam(s). Additionally, UTA faculty and staff cannot complete out-of-state form requests for individuals seeking certification, licensure, and/or endorsements in another state according to TEA.

Master’s Degree with Principal Certification Courses

The Master’s Degree includes courses required for candidates seeking the Texas Principal as Instructional Leader Certification. In addition to obtaining the Master’s Degree and successfully completing an approved Texas principal educator preparation program, certification candidates must also successfully complete the required state exams, hold a valid classroom teaching certificate, and have at least two years of creditable teaching experience as a classroom teacher in a TEA-approved school (see other requirements below and on TEA's website; requirements are subject to change). Candidates must have their school district send via U.S. mail (not fax) their official Texas Teacher Service Record to the UTA College of Education. The Department offers the Master’s Degree with Principal Certification courses online.

The overall grade point average (GPA) of each incoming class admitted between September 1 and August 31 of each year by an educator preparation program (EPP) may not be less than 3.00 on a four-point scale or the equivalent.

Certificate Information

To be eligible to receive the Texas Principal Certificate, candidates must:

See the College of Education and TEA websites for additional information.

State requirements are subject to change.

TExES Certification Exam

The department has specific requirements that must be met for recommendation to take the TExES Exam and other state exams. Please see the ELPS department website and College of Education website.

Principal Certification Preparation Only (PCO)

Applicants with a Master’s Degree, three letters of reference on file (completed by three persons who can assess the applicant's aptitude, academic skills, and abilities needed for success in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies program), and other documents required for TEA reporting can apply to the Principal Certification Only (PCO) program that is 18 hours (six courses). These candidates must also pass the Texas Principal Certification exams, hold a valid classroom teaching certificate, and have at least two years of creditable classroom teaching experience as a classroom teacher in a TEA-approved school.

After being admitted, students must meet the following:

  • Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above in order to continue in the program

  • Submit all documents required for the field-based practicum which must be conducted in a Texas Education Agency approved site

  • Submit other documents required for TEA reporting

The overall grade point average (GPA) of each incoming class admitted between September 1 and August 31 of each year by an educator preparation program (EPP) may not be less than 3.00 on a four-point scale or the equivalent.

Certificate Information

To be eligible to receive the Texas Principal Certificate, candidates must:

See the College of Education and TEA websites for additional information.

State requirements are subject to change.

TExES Certification Exam

The department has specific requirements that must be met for recommendation to take the TExES Exam and other state exams. Please see the ELPS department website and College of Education website.

 Principal Certification Preparation Only Course List (for students who already have a master’s degree)

Core Courses
Practicum Courses
Total Hours18

The following information does not pertain to Texas educator certification. 

Hispanic Serving Leadership Preparation Graduate Certificate (HSI)

The Hispanic Serving Leadership Preparation Certificate provides a path for PK-12 educational leaders, as well as community college, and other college and university professionals who want to specialize in learning how to serve the LatinX population, and also discover what it means to lead within a Hispanic Serving Institution. Those who enroll in this certificate will discover ways to systemically improve the PK-20 pipeline for all students and specifically improve institutional metrics for their LatinX students. 

The certificate requires students to complete 12 hours (4 courses) with an overall 3.0 GPA and no grade below C. Students who participate in this certificate program may apply coursework in which they earned an A, B, or C to the degree requirements for an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Higher Education Administration emphasis, after applying for and being accepted into that master’s degree program.

HSI Admission Criteria 

Apply for admissions to the certificate program through UTA. Minimum criteria for admissions include:

(a) Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university,

(b) Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher,

(c) Resume/Curriculum Vitae documenting K-16 educational career experience, and

(d) 500 word interest letter that addresses your goals for pursuing the Hispanic Serving Leadership Preparation Graduate Certificate.

After being admitted, students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above with no grade lower than C in order to continue in the program. For successful HSI completion, students must enroll and successfully complete all of the required coursework, a total of 12 units.

HSI Required Coursework 


The following information pertains to students and coursework.

Coursework and Degree Completion Requirements

  • Master’s degree and university graduate-level certificate programs must be completed within six years (time in military service excluded) from initial registration in the Office of Graduate Studies. Coursework that is more than six years old at the time of graduation or program completion cannot be used toward meeting the requirements for a master’s degree or university graduate-level certificate. Coursework that is more than five years old cannot be used toward state certification requirements for licensure (further restrictions may apply, depending on program).
  • Each student/candidate in the College of Education of UT Arlington will be evaluated on Professional Dispositions by the faculty and staff. These dispositions are identified as essential for a highly-qualified professional. Instructors and program directors will work with students/candidates rated as “unacceptable” in one or more stated criteria. The student/candidate will have an opportunity to develop a plan to remediate any digressions. If digression(s) are not, or cannot be successfully remediated as in the case of an egregious digression, a determination will be made by Committee on continuation or dismissal from the College of Education.