University Catalog

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BIOL 4311. HISTOLOGY. 3 Hours.

Histology is a branch of biological science concerned with structure and function of the organism on a cellular level. The objective in this class is to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to identify and describe tissues and organs in the microscopic images based on the characteristic morphologies of cells and arrangement of tissues. Students will learn about basic histological techniques used in slide preparation, four basic tissue types and types of tissue, followed by the survey of microscopic images of all organ systems. This course bridges the "whole body" disciplines of anatomy and physiology and cell-level sciences such as cell physiology and genomics. It will help students understand how the differential expression of the genome leads to different cell morphology that in turn leads to different functions. Prerequisite: BIOL 1441, BIOL 1442.

Chemistry and Biochemistry - Undergraduate Programs

...Specifically, BIOL 2444 GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY and BIOL 3442...which must include CHEM 4311 and CHEM 4312...