University Catalog

Computer Science and Engineering - Undergraduate Programs

This is an archived copy of the 2023-2024 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers three programs of study leading to the bachelor's degree: the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, the Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, and the Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering.

In all three programs of study, design experiences are included throughout the first three years of the curriculum and culminate in a major team-oriented project in the senior year that approximates an industrial work experience. All programs strive to provide students with opportunities to interface with the profession through avenues such as cooperative education programs, professional society activities, plant trips, special projects, and industry speakers programs.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS)

Program educational objectives of the Computer Science Program are what the program expects its graduates to attain within three to five years after graduation.  Graduates of the UTA Computer Science Program will:

  1. Be technically competent and commence a computing career or advanced studies.
  2. Advance in the profession, especially in responsibility for the design of computer-based systems.
  3. Demonstrate leadership for a changing profession and world.

The BSCS program has been accredited since 2002 by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCpE)

Program educational objectives of the Computer Engineering Program are what the program expects its graduates to attain within three to five years after graduation.  Graduates of the UTA Computer Engineering Program will:

  1. Pursue productive careers in industry and organizations that focus on the design and integration of software and hardware in computing systems; or excel as graduate students and become effective researchers.
  2. Participate effectively in interdisciplinary engineering projects, adapt to changing technologies, and communicate effectively to become leaders in their profession.
  3. Engage in life-long learning, recognize social needs and constraints, and demonstrate high appreciation of legal, ethical, economic, environmental and social responsibilities.

 The BSCpE program has been accredited since 1983 by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Bachelor of Science Degree in Software Engineering (BSSE)

Program educational objectives of the Software Engineering Program are what the program expects its graduates to attain within three to five years after graduation.  Graduates of the UTA Software Engineering Program will:

  1. Pursue the software profession with abilities to implement, test, and maintain software systems; or pursue graduate studies in software engineering or a related area.
  2. Advance in the software profession with abilities to identify needs and software requirements in an application domain, and design systems to meet the desired needs within realistic constraints.
  3. Demonstrate excellence and leadership in the software profession or a related area.

 The BSSE program has been accredited since 2002 by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Student Outcomes

From the educational objectives of the BSCS program (described above), the department designed the programs to meet the following Program Outcomes, to ensure that its graduates are able to:

  1.  Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions. 
  2.  Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline. 
  3.  Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts. 
  4.  Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles. 
  5.  Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline. 
  6.  Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions. 

From the educational objectives of the BSCpE and BSSE programs (described above), the department designed these programs to meet the following Program Outcomes, to ensure that its graduates have:

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics 
  2.  an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors 
  3.  an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences 
  4.  an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts 
  5.  an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives 
  6.  an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions 
  7.  an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies. 

Admission Requirements

Requirements for admission as a CS, CpE or SE pre-major or major are governed by the requirements stated under the College of Engineering section of this catalog. CS, CpE or SE pre-majors become majors upon completion of required pre-professional English, science, mathematics, and CSE courses, with a 2.25 or better grade point average.

All entering students majoring in computer science, computer engineering, or software engineering are permitted to enroll in general education and pre-professional courses for which they are qualified. Students completing these pre-professional courses must meet the academic requirements specified by the College of Engineering prior to applying for admission to the professional program. The Computer Science and Engineering Department requires a 2.25 overall grade point average on a 4.0 scale in each of three categories: (1) overall, (2) required science, mathematics, and engineering courses, and (3) required CSE courses. Students not in the professional program must have permission from the department chairperson to receive credit for courses listed in the professional program category. Application for admission to the professional program is made to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Prior Preparation

The BSCS, BSCpE, and BSSE are four-year programs and requirements for the degrees are based upon prior high school preparation through either an honors or college track. More specifically, entering students are expected to have a background in mathematics through precalculus, high school chemistry, and programming in a high-level language such as C, C++, Java or Python.

Students who have not had the appropriate preparation should contact the departmental advising office for assistance in structuring a degree plan that will include leveling courses. Students requiring leveling courses may require a longer period of time to complete their undergraduate program.

Readiness Examinations

Students will be required to pass readiness examinations before enrolling in the courses listed below unless the course prerequisite was taken at UT Arlington and passed with a C or better grade. Students not passing the readiness examination must take the prerequisite course. A readiness examination may be taken only once per course and only before enrolling in any CSE courses. Additional information is available in the departmental office.


Student Advising

CS, CpE, and SE pre-majors and majors are required to be advised by a departmental advisor each semester. Consult the departmental bulletin boards or Web site for advising hours. New and transfer students must also be advised prior to the beginning of the semester in which they first enroll.

Transfer Students and Transfer Credit

After admission and prior to registration, transfer students should contact the Department of Computer Science and Engineering for advising. At the time of advising, a transfer student must present to the undergraduate advisor an official transcript (or copy) from each school previously attended. Only the equivalent courses in a program accredited by ABET or equivalent freshman, sophomore, or general education courses accepted by the department chairperson can be counted toward a degree in computer science and engineering.

A student, once admitted to The University of Texas at Arlington and enrolled in the CS, CpE or SE program, cannot enroll in courses at another college or university and transfer those courses for credit toward a CS, CpE or SE degree without having obtained prior written permission from the chairperson of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Cooperative Education Program

Cooperative education or Co-op programs are arrangements where students alternate periods of full-time employment with periods of full-time study, usually during the last two years of a degree program. The employment is directly related to the student's major and pays an attractive salary. Thus, Co-op students gain valuable career related experience before graduating, while earning a meaningful income. Cooperative education opportunities are plentiful for CS, CpE, and SE students.

Honors Programs

The Computer Science and Engineering Department encourages qualified CS, CpE, and SE majors to participate in the Honors College described elsewhere in this catalog. Projects may be pursued in any one of the areas of concentration within the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

Graduate Degree Paths

Computing is a rapidly changing discipline requiring lifelong learning by its professionals. Completing a graduate degree enhances an individual's ability to assimilate and apply their knowledge and skills to meet on the job challenges and the needs of society. Pursuing a graduate degree on a full-time basis immediately after completing the baccalaureate is an attractive option for many students. Students are encouraged to discuss possibilities with a Graduate Advisor upon advancement to a Bachelor of Science professional program.

Fast Track Program for Master's Degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science or Software Engineering

The Fast Track Program enables outstanding UT Arlington senior undergraduate students in Computer Engineering to satisfy degree requirements leading to a master's degree in Computer Engineering while completing their undergraduate studies.  Similarly, the Fast Track Program enables  Computer Science students to satisfy degree requirements leading to a master's degree in Computer Science, and Software Engineering students to satisfy degree requirements leading to a master's degree in Software Engineering. 

When senior-level students are within 15 hours of completing their undergraduate degree requirements, they may take a minimum of six and a maximum of nine hours of graduate level coursework designated by the program to satisfy both undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. In the limiting case, a student completing the maximum allowable hours (9) while in undergraduate status would have to take only 21 additional hours to meet minimum requirements for a master's degree program (M.S.).

Interested UT Arlington undergraduate students should apply to the appropriate graduate program when they are within 30 hours of completing their bachelor's degrees. They must have completed at least 30 hours at UT Arlington, achieving a GPA of at least 3.25 in those courses, and have an overall GPA of 3.25 or better in all college courses. Additionally, they must have completed a set of specified undergraduate foundation courses with a minimum GPA of 3.3 in those courses. Contact the Undergraduate Advisor or Graduate Advisor in Computer Science and Engineering for more information about the program.

Direct Acceptance to Doctoral Programs from Bachelor's Degree Program

Excellent undergraduate students may qualify for acceptance to doctoral studies without the intermediate completion of a masters degree. Students should discuss the expected level of commitment and possibilities for long-term support with a Graduate Advisor.

Oral Communication and Computer Competency Requirement

CS, CpE, and SE students will satisfy the oral competency requirement by completing COMS 2302 PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. They will satisfy the computer use competency requirement by completing CSE 1205.

Course Offerings

All 1000- and 2000-level CSE courses are typically offered each semester and in the 11-week summer session. All 3000-level courses and required 4000-level courses are typically offered at least twice per year. Other 4000-level courses are typically offered only once per year unless there is a high demand. Refer to the CSE department bulletin boards or Web site for more specific and current information. The CSE department reserves the right to move students among equivalent sections of the same course.