This is an archived copy of the 2021-2022 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Chemistry and Biochemistry - Undergraduate Programs

Academic Advising: 817-272-9687


The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers four programs of study leading to a bachelor's degree and two leading to both a bachelor's and master's degree. They are the Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry, the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry - American Chemical Society certified, the Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry - American Chemical Society certified, the Bachelor of Science in Biological Chemistry a combined Bachelor of Science-Master of Science in Chemistry, and a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry with a Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering.

  • Professional Chemist: Students who wish to become professional chemists or whose goals include graduate education in chemistry should pursue the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry - American Chemical Society certified. Alternatively, students may choose the Bachelor of Science-Master of Science combined program. Prospective students should contact the departmental undergraduate advisor.
  • Professional Biochemist: Students who wish to become professional biochemists or whose goals include graduate education in biochemistry, should pursue the Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry - American Chemical Society certified. Prospective students should contact the departmental undergraduate advisor.
  • Premedical and Predental Programs: Students who wish to prepare for entry into medical or dental school may choose to major in chemistry or biochemistry. While any of the four bachelor's programs will meet the minimum requirements, the department recommends either the Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry or the Bachelor of Science in Biological Chemistry. Prospective students should contact both the departmental undergraduate advisor and the premedical advisor in the College of Science.
  • Preallied Health Programs: Students who wish to prepare for entry into pharmacy or veterinary school, physical therapy, or occupational therapy may choose to major in chemistry. Prospective students should contact the departmental undergraduate advisor.
  • Chemistry as a Teaching Field: Although students who intend to teach chemistry at the secondary school level may pursue any of the degrees, the Bachelor of Arts Degree offers the greatest flexibility.

Declaring a Major in Chemistry or Biochemistry

Beginning freshmen who intend to declare chemistry or biochemistry as a major must complete the following courses with a minimum GPA of 2.25 in chemistry and an overall GPA of 2.25.

  • CHEM 1441 and CHEM 1442.
  • Six hours of mathematics approved by the department.
  • Three hours of biology or geology.
  • 12 hours from courses in the University core curriculum other than science or mathematics (English, history, political science, social and cultural studies, and fine arts).

Transfer students who transfer part or all of the above requirements must complete a minimum of 11 hours of approved science and mathematics courses in residence with a minimum GPA of 2.25 to be eligible to major in chemistry or biochemistry.

All new students who intend to major in chemistry or biochemistry should schedule an appointment for advising with the departmental undergraduate advisor.

Declaring a Second Major in Chemistry

A person who satisfies the requirements for any other baccalaureate degree qualifies for having chemistry named as a second major upon completion of the following courses:

Chemistry Electives Chosen with the Chemistry Advisor6
Total Hours33

Please note that a second major in Chemistry is not the same as a double major in which students complete the requirements for a second degree.

Please see the undergraduate chemistry advisor for additional information.

Teacher Certification

Students interested in earning a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree with a major in chemistry with secondary teacher certification should refer to the “Bachelor of Arts Degree in Chemistry with UTeach Physical Science Certification” degree plan or the "Bachelor of Arts Degree in Chemistry with UTeach Chemistry Certification" degree plan for teacher certification requirements.

Calculation of Chemistry Grade Point Average

Only chemistry courses required in the degree program will be used in calculating the chemistry grade point average for chemistry degree candidates.

Honors Program

Students who qualify are encouraged to participate in the University Honors College. Students should enroll in honors sections of chemistry courses when available and should include CHEM 4381 as approved by the departmental undergraduate advisor.

Chemistry Course Registration & Requirements

Students may not be "pre-enrolled" in chemistry courses while pre-requisite courses at another institution are pending grades. Only UT Arlington credits may be used for pre-enrollment purposes. 

Canvas grades (or other learning-management system grades) may not be used as proof of completion for a pre-requisite course. Students must submit either an official transcript to the registrar's office, or submit a transcript with a letter grade for the pre-requisite course to the undergraduate chemistry advisor in order to be enrolled in a chemistry course. If a student is submitting the transcript via email, the email must be sent from their UTA email address.

The ACS-certified degree programs (Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry) require the capstone course CHEM 3322.  The capstone course is meant to test students in their knowledge of Math, Physics, and Chemistry in order to assess their cumulative knowledge of the sciences needed for success in their profession. This course requirement may not be satisfied with transfer credit without the approval of the undergraduate curriculum committee of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Academic Regulations

All students pursuing a degree in one of the academic programs from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry must abide by the academic regulations of the University and the following additional rules established by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Three-Attempt Rule: A student may not attempt a course (at UT Arlington and/or at any other institution) more than three times and apply that course toward a chemistry/biochemistry degree. Enrollment in a course for a period of time sufficient for assignment of a grade, including a grade of W, is considered an attempt.