This is an archived copy of the 2018-2019 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Psychology - Graduate Programs


The objective of graduate work in psychology is to educate the student in the methods and basic content of the discipline and to provide an apprenticeship in the execution of creative research.

Graduate work in the master's program and doctoral program will be offered in psychology. Students' individual programs of work may be arranged to give emphasis to a particular aspect of the general program.

Within this framework, options include, but are not limited to, Animal Behavior and Animal Learning, Cognition and Perception, Developmental, Health Psychology and Neuroscience, Industrial/Organizational, Behavioral Neuroscience, and Social-Personality Psychology. Students specializing in Cognition and Perception may include, in addition to their area C courses (described below), advanced topical seminars in their area of specialty. In addition to core courses (see area A) for those interested in Behavioral Neuroscience, seminars offered in the recent past include Aggression and Nociception. For those seeking expertise in the Social-Personality area, in addition to the area B courses, seminars have included topics such as Social Influence and Empathetic Accuracy and Intersubjectivity.

Research Involvement-Since the Department of Psychology believes that graduate training should involve the student continuously in the research process, students are encouraged to make personal contacts by letter or e-mail with faculty members of their choice. A description of the faculty and their areas of research may be obtained by consulting the department Web page at or by writing to or calling the department at 817.272.2281. Every effort will be made to assign the incoming student to a faculty member of choice, but priority is given to those who have discussed their placement in advance.

Deadline for Financial Aid Applications-Students who wish to be considered for assistantships should have their applications and departmental forms sent to The University of Texas at Arlington by February 1 for the fall Semester. 

Admissions Criteria

There are no fixed criteria for admission to the M.S. or Ph.D. programs in Psychology; many aspects of the student's application inform our admission decisions, but a complete application package before February 1st is highly recommended. There are, though, some standard requirements. A student is expected to have successfully completed the appropriate work prior to admission, including an undergraduate B.A. or B.S. degree. The Office of Graduate Studies requires a minimum grade point average of 3.0  in undergraduate work for unconditional admission to the program. For advancement to PhD candidacy in Psychology, a minimum of 28 graduate hours with a GPA of 3.0 or better as calculated by the Graduate School is required. In addition, the application for advancement to candidacy in the PhD program is reviewed by the Graduate Faculty Committee. The Department of Psychology strongly encourages undergraduate courses in statistics and experimental methods prior to admission.

A. Admissions Focus

Graduate admissions committees are subcommittees of the Graduate Studies Committee. Each specialization (i.e., Psychological Sciences, Health/Neuroscience, I/O) will convene an admissions committee to make recommendations to the Graduate Studies Committee regarding advisors of applicants. Each is composed of faculty representatives from the specialization, the graduate advisor and the Department Chairperson. Admissions decisions are based on interpretation of indications of potential success in the program. The following points are generally considered:

  1. Grade point average. Most candidates for admissions present averages greater than 3.2. We do, however, examine the applicant's coursework as evidence of research interest. Positive indicators of success in our program include greater than average work in biological and physical sciences, mathematics and psychology. In similar fashion, evidence of research experience is viewed as a predictor of future research potential. For students interested in specialization in Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology at the Master's level, appropriate coursework is taken into consideration.
  2. Submission of Verbal and Mathematics GRE scores is required. High GRE scores are viewed positively, but lower GRE scores need not exclude a candidate who shows positive indicators in other areas. We do not require the GRE Subject Test in Psychology.
  3. Letters of reference. These are important insofar as they offer evidence of commitment to research, the ability to think independently,  critically and creativity, and to integrate knowledge. Letters also provide additional information about a candidate's experience and interests. Evidence of success in employment relevant to I/O psychology will be considered for the Master's degree in that area.
  4. The personal statement ("essay on educational goals") is required.  This should describe the applicant's laboratory, field, or applied interests, career plans, and a discussion of how the UT Arlington program can serve to further these interests and plans. The statement is required and will be examined for evidence of the appropriateness of the candidate to the UT Arlington program. The personal statement should contain information about the student's intended specialization and preferred faculty mentor(s). Students are encouraged to contact specific faculty members during the application process.
  5. Finally, successful completion of a Master's degree in another department may be viewed positively even when the degree was received in an area outside of psychology. In this latter case, some conditions in terms of make-up (or deficiency)  coursework may be specified.

In sum,  the Department's mission is primarily to prepare students to conduct cutting-edge research in psychological sciences. Therefore, we seek  students who show aptitude in, as well as motivation for, research.

B. Admission Status and Eligibility for Assistantship/Fellowship

As noted in the Graduate Catalog, there are several categories of admission in addition to unconditional admission to the Graduate Program in Psychology.

  1. Probationary Admission: If an applicant does not evidence a majority of the positive indicators for the unconditional admission described above, they may, after careful examination of their application materials be given probationary admission. Probationary admission requires that the new student receive a 3.0 (B average) GPA  or better in the first 9-12 hours of graduate course work at UT Arlington.
  2. Deferred Admission: A deferred decision may be granted when a file is incomplete or when denial of admission is not currently appropriate.
  3. Provisional Admission: An applicant unable to supply all documentation (including certified transcripts, GRE scores, letters of reference, and personal statements) prior to the admission deadline, but otherwise appears to meet admission requirements, may be granted provisional admission.
  4. Denial of Admission: Applicants whose records in the aggregate do not show sufficient positive indications of potential success will be denied admission. Please note that not all "qualified" applicants are admitted. Successful admission depends upon the competitiveness of the applicant pool, the number of positions available, and the applicant's fit with the current research interests of the faculty.
  5. Eligibility for Assistanship/Fellowship: Students who wish to be considered for assistantships should have their application and Department forms sent to The University of Texas at Arlington by February 1st for the Fall Semester. Students unconditionally admitted to the program are eligible for scholarship and fellowship support. Students who are provisionally admitted (pending receipt of their transcript or because they are international students who have not yet met the English language requirement) can receive 1-semester waiver from the Graduate School to hold the assistantship until these missing items have been received. International graduate teaching assistants who make scores that fall below the required test score on the TSE, SEA, or Speaking Section of the TOEFL iBT test must contact the English Language Institute Office at 817-272-2730 or at

The Criteria applied will be the same as those applied to admission decisions. To be eligible, candidates typically must: be a new student, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher in their last 60 undergraduate credit hours, plus any graduate credit hours as calculated by the Office of Graduate Studies; and be enrolled in a minimum of 9 hours of course work in both long semesters  (6 hours in the Summer) to retain their fellowships (see section entitled "Department Enrollment Policy" below). Assistantship assignments are made by the Department Chairperson in consultation with the Associate Chair and the Graduate Advisors. Students may be eligible for other forms of support including fellowships. Please refer to the Office of  Graduate Studies for further information under Financial Aid Resources(

C. UT Arlington Graduates

GRE requirements: Submission of Verbal, Quantitative and Analytical Writing GRE score is required of all applicants, including UT Arlington alumni, with the exception of "Facilitated Admission" (see below).

Facilitated Admission of Outstanding UT Arlington Undergraduates: Students with extraordinarily strong undergraduate records at UT Arlington may receive advanced admission to the program without having to pass through the normal application process. Qualified students will be able to gain admission without completing a formal application or paying application fees. The following conditions must be met in order to qualify for advanced admission of outstanding undergraduates:

  1. The student must  have graduated from a commensurate bachelor's degree program at UT Arlington no more than one academic year prior to the semester for which admission to a graduate program is sought.  A commensurate bachelor's degree program is on that is a normal feeder program for the master's degree program to which the student seeks admission. Undergraduate students in their final year of study are also eligible; in such cases, facilitated admission is a conditional upon a successful completion of the bachelor's degree.
  2. The Student's GPA must equal or exceed 3.5 in each of the following calculations:
    1. The grade-point average in the last 60 hours of study as calculated in the Office of Graduate Studies for admission purposes.
    2. All work completed at UTA to date.
  3. The student's record will be assessed for strengths relevant to success in the program. All prospective facilitated admission applicants must also submit a personal statement and two (2) letters of recommendation with the understanding that submitting the facilitated admission form does not guarantee admission into the program; all facilitated admission applicant's will be reviewed by committee the same as applicants applying via regular application.

Students who are accepted via facilitated admission will be admitted directly to graduate school without completing the application for admission, submitting an application evaluation charge, or taking the GRE. Students who believe they qualify for this program should contact the appropriate Graduate Advisor in the Department of Psychology.

Master's Degree Requirements

In addition to the requirements outlined elsewhere, the Department of Psychology will require undergraduate courses in statistics and in experimental methods. These courses may be taken as deficiency courses.

Degree requirements for the Department of Psychology are established by the Committee on Graduate Studies in Psychology and supplement those established by the University (see general requirements of the Graduate School as stated under the section entitled "Admission Requirements and Procedures").

Each entering graduate student will be furnished a copy of the departmental rules which will serve as guidelines for departmental actions and recommendations.Students are urged to consult the Department of Psychology's Graduate Student Handbook to obtain the most up-to-date information on department policies and practices that may impact their degree plans.

Each student must adhere to the code of ethics of the American Psychological Association.

Master of Science in Psychology

As soon as is feasible, a student should decide on an area for specialization and research. After discussion with, and consent of the involved faculty members, the student selects a supervising professor and a thesis committee. No student may enroll in PSYC 5698 (Thesis - 6 hours) until the thesis committee has approved a proposal for the thesis project.

The MS program in Psychology requires completion of a Master's thesis (with the exception of the I/O program) and may be considered either as a terminal degree program or as preparation for doctoral work. Advancement to candidacy for the PhD degree requires completion of a Master's degree in a specialization in psychology or a "Master's equivalency paper". The MS thesis proposal must be approved by a thesis committee consisting of at least three members of the Psychology graduate faculty (additional members are optional) before the candidate for the MS degree may enroll in PSYC 5698 (Thesis - 6 hours). The completed thesis must receive final approval by the committee in an oral defense, which is open to any interested member of the Department, including students.

Students are to post signs and make  e-mail announcements informing the local academic community about their upcoming defense no later than two weeks prior to the defense date.  A Final Master's Examination Report must be completed, signed and filed no later than two weeks before the date on which the candidate expects the degree to be conferred. For students who elect the thesis substitute, the final examinations(s) will be determined and administered by all of the members of the student's supervising committee. As above, a  Final Examination Report must be filed by the dates listed in the Graduate Calendar.

Specialization in Psychological Sciences or Health/Neuroscience Psychology

Twenty-eight (28) credit hours, including six hours of thesis (PSYC 5698), are required for the MS. It is designed to form the basis for the doctoral program. It is, however, open to those seeking a terminal Master's degree. Required courses are the following: PSYC 5110, 5112, 5405, 5407, 5307 (or 5324), 5333 (or 5334),  6343, and 5322. Thesis research and thesis document, approved by a thesis committee, are also required for the Psychological Sciences and Health/Neuroscience specializations. More details about each course can be found at

Specialization in Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Forty-one (41) hours in psychology are required for this degree. The program and curriculum are designed for students who intend to pursue an applied, professional career as practitioners in the field. The program offers both a thesis and a non-thesis option; however, all students enter the program under the non-thesis option. The decision to change to a thesis option will be made on a case-by-case basis and will be based on the student's aptitude and career focus, as well as on the fit between the student and the faculty mentor. Whether thesis or non-thesis option is chosen, all students earn a Master of Science in I/O Psychology and will therefore be required to conduct research related to I/O Psychology. Required psychology courses include PYSC 5405, 5407, 5322, 5325, 5326, 5327, 5330, 5342, 5343 and 6349. Students are also required to complete 400-hours of  an outside internship. Students typically complete their thesis or non-thesis option(Individual Research) at the end of their second year.

A typical program of study looks like this (pending final University approval):

First Year
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
PSYC 53253PSYC 53263
PSYC 54054PSYC 54074
PSYC 53223PSYC 53273
 10 10
Second Year
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
PSYC 5330 (Advanced Employee Training & Development)3PSYC 5342 (Leadership in Organization)3
PSYC 63493PSYC 5343 (Electronic Human Resource Management)3
PSYC 56986PSYC 53913
or Restricted Elective* 
 PSYC 56986
 Restricted Elective* 
 12 15
Total Hours: 47
*Restricted Electives (6 credits required for non-thesis track students; 3 credits required for thesis track students):
Other courses upon approval

Doctoral Degree Requirements

In addition to the requirements outlined elsewhere, the Department of Psychology will require undergraduate courses in statistics and in experimental methods. These courses may be taken as deficiency courses.

Degree requirements for the Department of Psychology are established by the Committee on Graduate Studies in Psychology and supplement those established by the University (see general requirements of the Graduate School as stated under the section entitled "Admission Requirements and Procedures").

Each entering graduate student will be furnished a copy of the departmental rules which will serve as guidelines for departmental actions and recommendations.Students are urged to consult the Department of Psychology's Graduate Student Handbook to obtain the most up-to-date information on department policies and practices that may impact their degree plans.

Each student must adhere to the code of ethics of the American Psychological Association.

Doctor of Philosophy

The degree of Doctor of Philosophy in psychology requires distinguished accomplishments in both scholarship and original research, and a deep understanding of the strategic role of thoughtful research in the development of an empirical science. Although the student must meet the minimum requirements of a planned course of study, the ultimate basis for conferring the degree must be the demonstrated ability to do independent and creative work, and the exhibition of a profound grasp of the subject matter of the field.

Specializations  in Psychological Sciences (Graduate Advisor: Dr. Jared Kenworthy) and Health/Neuroscience (Graduate Advisor: Dr. Yuan Bo Peng)

The specialization in Psychological Sciences allows students to work in a general experimental context while specializing in one of several areas (e.g., cognitive, social, developmental, personality,  industrial/organizational, etc.) The specialization in Health/Neuroscience Psychology is designed to train researchers in health/neuroscience and behavior, working at the cutting-edge of interdisciplinary , biomedical and bio behavioral investigation in areas such as pain, addiction, stress, psycho-immunology, memory, cancer and aging. Most research activity is based on the neurophysiological, bio-behavioral, or biopsychosocial model of health and illness.

Core Course requirements: Graduate students entering the Psychological Sciences specialization will be required to take the following core  courses during their first four semesters of enrollment (22 hours). Exceptions may be made only with written permission of the  Graduate Studies Committee.


 Having fulfilled the above, the following are  also required:

Four courses (12 hours) from among electives and seminars (PSYC 6300), including Human Physiology (PSYC 5334) or Behavioral Neuroscience (PSYC 5333), Personality Psychology ( 5321), Higher Mental Processes (PSYC 5313), Human Learning & Memory (PSYC 5345), Neuropharm (PSYC 6320), Group Processes (PSYC 5323), Social & Personality Development (PSYC 6318), Health Psychology (PSYC 5309). The other required elective course must be approved by the appropriate Graduate Advisor and/or Committee on Graduate Studies and can include a graduate level course in statistics, genetics, immunology, endocrinology, or other specialized biomedical topic available at UT Southwestern or another UT Arlington department.

  1. Two six-hour research courses. These may be taken from Thesis PSYC 5698 or Advanced Research PSYC 5600. Students who plan to obtain the MS should elect PSYC 5698 as one of the research courses and students who do not plan to obtain the MS should select two sections of PSYC 5600. If the student does not elect to obtain the MS, one of the research courses must result in a formal thesis-equivalent paper, which will be evaluated by a committee and defended in an oral examination. The two research courses are a minimum requirement. Students are strongly encouraged to take Research in Psychology PSYC 5391 or PSYC 6391 before taking PSYC 5600 and PSYC 5698.
  2. Additional hours of coursework to be determined by the Graduate Advisor and dissertation committee. The student should plan to take approximately 60 hours including PSYC 6999. At least 31-34 of these hours must be in organized courses, lectures or seminars. No student may enroll in a dissertation course until the dissertation committee has approved a proposal for the dissertation project.

Students with prior graduate work may be waived from any of the above requirements by a written request to the Graduate Studies Committee. The request should include a syllabus or other documentation showing that a prior course and one of our required courses are equivalent. Students should discuss course equivalency with the professor(s) who teach the course(s) in question before submitting the request.

A student has completed the course requirements when he or she has maintained at least a B average in all courses.

A typical program of study might look like this:

First Year
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
Statistics I Statistics II 
Required Core Course Required Core Course 
Professional Development I Professional Development II 
Readings and/or Research elective Readings and/or Research elective 
 0 0
Second Year
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
Required Core Course Required Core Course 
Seminar Seminar 
Lecture Electives and/or Thesis Lecture Electives and/or Thesis 
 0 0
Third Year
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
Lecture Electives and/or Thesis Lecture Electives and/or Seminar 
Seminar Readings and/or Research elective 
Readings and/or Research elective  
 0 0
Fourth Year
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
Lecture Electives and/or Thesis Lecture Electives and/or Thesis 
Seminar Seminar 
Readings and/or Research elective Dissertation Research Readings and/or Research elective Dissertation Research 
 0 0
Fifth Year
First SemesterHoursSecond SemesterHours
Dissertation Research Dissertation Research 
 0 0
Total Hours: 0

Note: This is based on a 5-year program of study. Students may adjust the speed at which milestones are achieved by adding 4th year courses earlier. A doctoral student must pay non-resident tuition beginning the first long semester (Fall or Spring) in which a) the student has been enrolled previously as a graduate student for 14 or more long semesters, AND b) the student has accumulated more than 99 semester credit hours of graduate study at any Texas state university. Students exceeding either limit will not be eligible for assistant ships supported by state funds.

Research Requirements

Research requirements include general expectations of student involvement in research throughout their graduate career and specific milestones that must be accomplished in order, including the Research Progress Symposium, the Master's Thesis or equivalent paper, the Major Area Paper (MAP; Diagnostic/Qualifying Exam), the Dissertation Proposal (Comprehensive Exam), and the Dissertation Defense. University requirements mandate the completion of six hours of Master's research and another six hours of Dissertation research in the semester that degree requirements will be completed.

Prerequisite Conditions for the Major Area Paper

In order to begin working on the Major Area Paper (MAP; diagnostic examination), students must complete:

  1. The Departmental  Core Curriculum requirements as set forth elsewhere in the catalog. Generally, these course requirements will be met within the first two years of graduate enrollment.
  2. Students must also satisfactorily participate in the Research Progress Symposium (RPS), a twelve-minute presentation of original research, taking place in the fourth long semester (Spring of the 2nd year)
  3. . Finally, a Master's Thesis (or equivalent) must be completed. Students entering the program with a master's degree must complete the Departmental  Core Curriculum requirements and  participate in the RPS before being invited to begin work on the MAP.

Major Area Paper (MAP)/Diagnostic/ Qualifying Examination:

Upon completion of these prerequisite conditions, students will be invited to begin consulting with their major Major Area Paper (MAP) committee regarding the project, and are expected to finish within one year.

MAP and MAP Oral Defense

The MAP consists of a comprehensive review paper, which is a summary, integration, and critical review of the literature relevant to a general theme or topic. It is expected that the student will offer a novel and forward-thinking perspective on the topic area. The MAP does not directly propose research hypotheses and designs, nor does it involve the collection of primary-level data. It may be either a quantitative review (i.e., a meta-analysis) or a more qualitative review. It should contain a concluding section in which novel theoretical ideas are proposed and elaborated upon, and which will form a basis for the MAP Oral Defense. The topic area, scope, and timeline of the MAP will be developed with the student's primary faculty mentor and one or two other Department of Psychology Faculty members. 

MAP candidates shall convene a prospectus meeting with their MAP Committee before beginning the work on their MAP, in which they present and discuss a 1-2 page abstract or prospectus, outlining the aims, scope, feasibility and structure of the MAP. This abstract should be accompanied by an annotated reference list of key works, indicating an understanding of the literature to which the MAP will continue. Before beginning the MAP, documentation of this meeting shall be submitted to the department for the student's file.

The topic and content of the MAP should not have substantial overlap with either the student's Thesis or with their eventual Dissertation proposal or project. In accordance with the University policy, MAP Committees must be compromised of three (3) members of the Graduate Faculty. Students should consult their Committee members for general comments and direction before beginning work on the MAP, but Committee member involvement in the writing of the MAP (including that of the student's Faculty mentor) is expected to be minimal. Any feedback from others should not be substantive, but should instead resemble the feedback given by article or grant reviewers.

Upon submission of the MAP document to the Committee, the Committee will evaluate the MAP in terms of its potential contribution to the student's chosen field, and in terms of the degree to which it represents Ph.D.-level thinking, communication, independence, and scholarship. Ordinarily, the Committee will take no longer than 2-3 weeks to evaluate the MAP and communicate their decision regarding the document to the student. If the Committee determines that the MAP document is unacceptable, the student will be given one opportunity to revise it  for a second evaluation by the Committee. If the revised version of the MAP is also judged to be unacceptable, the student will not be invited to pursue the Ph.D. degree in the UT Arlington Graduate Program in Psychology. Such a student's Master's degree will thus be his/her terminal degree.

If and when the MAP document is deemed acceptable by the Committee, the Committee will invite the student to schedule a MAP Oral Defense, which will take place no sooner than two weeks following communication from the Committee to the student that the student's MAP is acceptable. The MAP Oral Defense consists only of the student and Committee members, and is not open to other students, faculty, staff, or the general public. In this meeting, which will normally last between 90 and 120 minutes, Committee members will assess the student's knowledge of the topic area, the theoretical background, the methodologies likely to be employed in related research, limitations to the ideas, and conceptual and practical connections to related issues. The Committee will determine whether or not the student has clearly passed the examination, clearly failed, or passed with conditions which must be met before Ph.D. Candidacy is recommended. Upon passing both the MAP and the MAP Oral Defense, a Diagnostic Evaluation Report form must be completed, signed, and filed. In order to be deemed making satisfactory academic progress, students are expected to complete the MAP within one calendar year once invited.


Dissertation Proposal:

Students who pass their MAP/diagnostic examinations are eligible for admission to candidacy for the PhD degree after having a dissertation proposal approved by their dissertation supervising committee. The committee is formed by a student in consultation with his or her major advisor and the Graduate Advisor, and consists of at least five members, at least  three of whom are from the psychology Graduate Faculty (additional members are optional).

The meeting with members of the dissertation committee is a closed one so that the proposed project can be discussed in a confidential manner. The oral presentation of the dissertation proposal satisfies the University requirement that a graduate student must take and pass a "comprehensive examination" prior to advancement to candidacy for the PhD degree. During the presentation, the student responds to any questions the committee members may have about the project. The committee may approve the project, suggest modifications that would make the project acceptable, or reject the proposal and require a new one. In addition to satisfying the comprehensive examination requirement, approval of the dissertation proposal implies that the project is acceptable as a research topic that the project's conceptualization, design, and proposal methods are acceptable and that particular results ("positive results") are not required. As noted above, approval of the dissertation proposal also is the final step for the student to be admitted to candidacy for the PhD degree. The dissertation course (PSYC 6399, 6699, 6699) can be taken. During this period, meetings with the committee are on as "as needed" basis. The dissertation project is then carried out as approved, or as modified with prior approval of the committee members, and the dissertation is written. When a student has completed a draft of the dissertation that the primary mentor deems appropriate for his or her committee, a date for the oral defense is scheduled, and written drafts must be provided to committee members at least two weeks before this date.

Dissertation Defense:

The PhD final oral examination (that is , the "dissertation defense") is conducted by the dissertation committee in a meeting that is open to any member of the University community and to guests. Graduate students are urged to attend all dissertation defenses, an especially those in their own area(s) of specialization. Defending students will post fliers approved for posting and stamped by the Student Governance Office and make  e-mail announcements  informing the local academic community about the defense at least two weeks prior to the defense date. The PhD oral examination is conducted by the dissertation committee. The first part of the examination is an oral presentation of the research and its findings. This portion of the meeting is open to any member of the University community and guests. The second part is a closed examination and consists of specific detailed questions about the dissertation. Both oral defense and the written dissertation must be passed. A Dissertation Defense Report form must be filed in conjunction with the oral dissertation proposal presentation.

Specialization in Industrial/Organizational Psychology

The doctorate of psychology with an emphasis in I/O is  designed for students who intend to conduct research in I/O psychology and begin their professional career as either an academician or a research-oriented  practitioner in the field.  Students working toward the I/O doctoral degree are expected to develop, implement, and complete research as part of the degree requirements. Additionally, students have the opportunity to be involved with a student-staffed consulting organization, The Industrial and Organizational Psychology Center. The I/O specialization is currently a part of the Experimental program and requires completion of psychology, methods, and I-O specific courses.

Due to the applied nature of I/O MS programs, if an MS degree has been conferred or is conferred en route to the Ph.D., then it is not necessary to conduct a thesis or a formal thesis-equivalent paper. Students may take 6 hours of Advanced Research (PSYC 5600), under the supervision of their major professor, to work toward obtaining additional publications and strengthening research-oriented skills.

Current I/O MS students

Students currently enrolled in the I/O MS program who wish to be considered for admission into a PhD program must formally apply to either the Psychological Sciences or Health/Neuroscience program and must follow the formal admission procedures as stated previously.  Students must meet the criteria for admission to the PhD program which will be determined, in part, by the scholarly achievements accomplished prior to applying for PhD candidacy as well as the fit between the student and faculty mentor.