This is an archived copy of the 2018-2019 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

Modern Languages - Graduate Program


Graduate programs in modern languages are designed to enhance students' competence in the language and literature of their major language field. Specific objectives are to prepare students for a career in teaching or in any area in private or public life in which knowledge of a modern language is essential and to help them develop the techniques of independent research necessary for work beyond the master's level.


Fellowships, when available, will be awarded on a competitive basis. Nominees for the Graduate School Master's Fellowship in Modern Languages will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Candidates must be new students entering in the fall semester, with a minimum of 6 hours of enrollment in both long semesters to retain their fellowships.
  • The minimum undergraduate GPA requirement is 3.0, as calculated by the Graduate School, plus as GPA of 3.0 for any graduate credit hours.
  • Transcript of a completed bachelor's degree in French or Spanish (or appropriate related field) from an accredited institution.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • A written statement explaining the applicant's reasons for graduate study in Spanish.

Teaching Assistantships

Teaching assistantships are available for graduate students in the Department of Modern Languages. Graduate students who obtain teaching assistantships are urged to take MODL 5305.

Admission Standards

In compliance with HB 1641, the UT Arlington Department of Modern Languages does not use unwritten criteria, it does not assign a specific weight to any one factor being considered, and it does not use standardized tests (i.e., the GRE) in the admissions or competitive fellowship or scholarship process as the sole criterion for consideration or as the primary criterion to end consideration of an applicant to the M.A. program. However, the GRE is required and it is used as a criterion, without specific weight, in the Department's evaluation of candidates for admission to programs at each of three levels: Unconditional, Provisional, and Probationary Admission.

The Department wishes to be as thorough and fair as possible in evaluating applicants for admission. It recognizes that some applicants may appear to be stronger according to some criteria than according to other criteria. When an applicant does not completely meet the minimum expectations for Unconditional Admission, the Department considers the applicant for possible Provisional or Probationary Admission. When the applicant is not granted any of the three levels of admission, the decision may be deferred or the application is denied. We do not wish to exclude a qualified and potentially successful candidate who perhaps has approached but not met all the criteria completely. However, we do not wish to admit candidates who, based on the criteria, are deemed to have a poor chance of successfully completing the graduate program.

Unconditional Admission

The criteria for admission below are used, without specific weights, as positive indicators of potential success in the program. All four criteria for unconditional admission must be met in order to receive unconditional admission.

  • degree in the language to be studied of 18 upper level hours in the language or equivalent1
  • 3.0 undergraduate GPA (last 60 hours)
  • submission of GRE scores2
  • 3 letters of recommendation (from faculty if possible) sent to the Department of Modern Languages Graduate Advisor.

Provisional Admission

An applicant unable to supply all required documentation prior to the admission deadline but who otherwise appears to meet admission requirements may be granted provisional admission.

Deferred Admission

A deferred decision may be granted when a file is incomplete or when a denied decision is not appropriate.

Fast Track Program in Modern Languages

The Fast Track Program allows outstanding undergraduate students in French or Spanish at UT Arlington to take up to three graduate seminars in Spanish or French that will earn credit toward both the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree in Modern Languages. It is designed to encourage high standards of performance, to facilitate the transition from undergraduate to graduate study, and to reduce time needed to complete the M.A.. Interested undergraduate students should apply for the Fast Track Program when they are within 30 hours of completing the Bachelor's degree. To qualify, students must have completed at least 30 hours at UTA with a GPA of 3.0 in all courses and 3.25 in the last 30 hours. Before entering the Fast Track, students must also have completed the required core courses in the French or Spanish major with a GPA of at least 3.50. Additionally, they must have already completed at least two additional 3000/4000-level courses in either French or Spanish, excluding International Business, interpreting, and/or translation courses, with a GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Students who successfully complete the Fast Track Program will be admitted automatically to the Graduate School to continue their graduate work in the Modern Languages M.A. Program once the Bachelor's degree is awarded. They will not be required to take the GRE, complete an additional application for admission to the Graduate School, supply letters of recommendation, or pay an application fee. An undergraduate student completing the maximum of nine graduate hours would be admitted to the Modern Languages M.A. Program with only nine additional courses and a comprehensive written examination remaining to complete the requirements for the M.A. in Modern Languages, non-thesis option.

To remain in the Fast Track Program, students must receive no grade lower than B in any graduate seminars taken as an undergraduate, selected with the advice and approval of the Modern Languages Graduate Advisor. Undergraduate students who do not maintain grades of B or better in the graduate courses taken will be unable to continue in the Fast Track Program but, if the courses are completed with a passing grade, will still receive credit toward their undergraduate degree requirements. Students originally denied entry into the Fast Track Program, discontinued after provisional admission, subsequently dropped or opting out are still welcome to apply to the Modern Languages M.A. Program in the usual way and will be considered without prejudice.

For an application form or to obtain more details about this program, contact the Modern Languages Graduate Advisor.

Master's Degree Requirements

Master’s Degree Requirements:

In addition to the Graduate School requirements for Master's degree programs, the following exit requirements apply in the Department of Modern Languages:

Comprehensive Examination: Students specializing in French or Spanish are examined on their coursework and their respective M.A. reading lists. An additional oral defense may be required at the discretion of the student's supervising committee. At least 30 hours must be in coursework.

Portfolio: Students specializing in Spanish may instead elect to develop a portfolio of original research and other special projects under the supervision of a committee of graduate faculty. At least 30 hours must be in coursework.

Thesis: Subject to the approval of the graduate faculty, students specializing in French or Spanish may elect to research and write a substantial and original work of scholarly significance. At least 30 hours must be in coursework.

Modern Languages (French; Spanish)

Those wishing to major in a modern language or literature must upon admission have a baccalaureate degree with a major in that modern language or have a minimum of 18 advanced hours, or the equivalent in language proficiency and course content.

Students pursuing the M.A. in Modern Languages with concentration in French are required to take a minimum of 9 hours in the core MODL courses, along with 27 hours in their concentration or, alternatively, a maximum of 12 hours in the core MODL courses and 24 hours in their concentration. All French students are required to take  MODL 5304 CURRENTS IN EUROPEAN AND LATIN AMERICAN LITERATURES AND THOUGHT.

Students pursuing the M.A. in Modern Languages with concentration in Spanish will take a maximum of 6 hours in the core MODL courses, along with 30 hours in their concentration. All Spanish students are required to take two of the following three courses: SPAN 5300: HISTORY OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE, SPAN 5302: SPANISH DIALECTOLOGY, SPAN 5303: APPLIED SPANISH LINGUISTICS.

A knowledge of a second foreign language will be required, including listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as demonstrated by the successful completion of two semesters of coursework at the second-year level, MODL 5301, or by an appropriate examination.