Grades and Grading Policies
- D's: Although a grade of D may be sufficient for an undergraduate to earn credit in a course, a cumulative University grade point average of at least 2.00 is necessary for satisfactory progress toward a degree.
- I’s: A grade of I (Incomplete) may be assigned for a course if, in the opinion of the instructor, there are extenuating circumstances which prevent the student from completing the required work within the term of enrollment for the course. The Incomplete must be removed by the end of the final examination period of the following term, excluding the summer sessions, for the student to receive credit for the course. If the Incomplete is not removed during the allotted time period, it will convert automatically to an F. As long as the grade is carried as an I, it will not be used in the calculation of the student’s grade point average. A student should not re-enroll in a course for which an I is the grade of record. Students in Canvas courses that receive an incomplete grade automatically retain their enrollment in the course and section in which they received the incomplete until the incomplete is resolved.
- Grades that do not count toward GPA: A course for which the symbol I, P, Q, W or Z is given does not count as hours undertaken for the purpose of calculating the grade point average, and no grade points are earned. A course taken and passed on the pass/fail basis counts as hours undertaken, but no grade points are earned.
- Pass/Fail Program (Engineering, Liberal Arts, Science, Nursing): Students who are majors in the colleges of Engineering, Liberal Arts, Science, or Nursing may take courses on a pass/fail basis subject to differing rules established by these academic units. This policy is intended to offer students an opportunity to take courses that will broaden their education with less immediate emphasis on the need to achieve grade points. However, an F received in a pass/fail course (except developmental courses) will be evaluated the same as an F received on a regular basis, adversely affecting the grade point average. Students must inform the instructor of their intention to take a course on a pass/fail basis by the Census Date of the term. Complete details and requirements of each college are available in the offices of the academic deans and in the departmental offices of the colleges.
- Developmental Course Grades: Students assigned to developmental courses, as a result of TSI status will be graded on a pass/fail basis. This policy is intended to offer students an opportunity to take courses that will broaden their education with less immediate emphasis on the need to achieve grade points. Therefore, an F received in a preparatory or developmental course will be not evaluated the same as an F received in a credit-bearing course and will not be factored into the student's GPA.
A student may repeat any course except as limited by individual colleges and schools, provided the student’s grade earned in an earlier term is below C. Courses transferred for credit to UT Arlington from another college or university may not be repeated for credit. A student may not repeat a course for additional hours toward a degree unless the catalog description specifically states that the course may be repeated for credit.
Courses originally taken or repeated at another college will not affect a student’s grade point average at UT Arlington. If a student earned a grade of less than C in a course taken at UT Arlington, the student may take that course or its equivalent at another college or university for transfer to UT Arlington only with the prior written approval of the student’s major department chair or academic dean.
The grade exclusion policy may be utilized by students subject to the policy except as otherwise noted. Grade Exclusion is available to students whose initial enrollment at UT Arlington was Fall 2006 through Summer 2013. Upon receiving a D or F in a course, a student may file a request with the Office of the Registrar for grade exclusion. All Grade Exclusion requests submitted during the term must be submitted by the last day to drop a course in that term to be processed during that term. Students have to be enrolled on Census Date for their Grade Exclusion petition to be processed in that term. See the academic calendar for Census Date and Last Drop Date information. Students who had already completed a grade replacement for one or more courses at UT Arlington are not eligible to utilize the grade exclusion policy. The following conditions apply:
- Students seeking grade exclusion must receive counseling from the following as appropriate: Academic Advisor to determine effect on completion of degree requirements and probation requirements, Financial Aid Office if receiving a scholarship or financial aid administered by that office, Athletic Department if a student athlete, International Office if an international student
- Grade exclusion requests must be made using a grade exclusion form available from the Office of the Registrar. The request must be approved by the academic dean from the student’s major College/School.
- The course grade will be removed from the academic GPA; although the grade received will remain on the student’s transcript.
- This policy will apply to a maximum of three courses at UT Arlington and will not apply to courses taken on a pass/fail basis. Of the three courses, only one course may be at the 3000/4000 level.
- This policy is not applicable to graduate students.
- Individual colleges and schools may limit this policy.
- Students may not apply this policy to grades of D or F which result from disciplinary action.
- Students who are dismissed from the University for academic reasons cannot use a grade exclusion until their dismissal period is completed.
- Excluded grades will be included in the calculation of GPA for determining graduation with Latin Honors.
- Excluded hours will count toward the 30 hour/45 hour policy for Tuition for Excessive Undergraduate Hours.
- Tuition and fee refunds, rebates or other financial consideration will not be given for courses for which grade exclusion is granted.
- Once a course has been excluded, a student may not later have the exclusion removed.
- Excluded courses cannot be used to satisfy degree requirements.
- Students must be enrolled at UT Arlington on Census Day of the term that the grade exclusion, if approved, is processed.
Grade Forgiveness is available to incoming freshman and transfer students whose initial enrollment at UT Arlington was Fall 2013 or thereafter. For students who entered UT Arlington before the Fall 2013 and who have not utilized the Grade Replacement policy, the Grade Exclusion policy remains in effect. Students enrolled in their second baccalaureate or a graduate program are not eligible for Grade Forgiveness.
Upon receiving a grade of D or F in a 1000 or 2000 course at UT Arlington, students subject to the Grade Forgiveness policy may elect to have the grade forgiven. Students subject to this policy must contact their academic advisor, who files the Grade Forgiveness petition on their behalf. All Grade Forgiveness requests submitted during the term must be submitted by the last day to drop a course to be processed that term. Students have to be enrolled on Census Date for their Grade Forgiveness petition in that term to be processed during that term. See the academic calendar for Census Date and Last Drop Date information. A student is limited to a total of two Grade Forgiveness opportunities under the following conditions:
- Grade Omission: A student may elect the grade omission option for one of the two Grade Forgiveness opportunities if the student is changing their major and the course is not required for the new major. In addition, a student electing grade omission may not re-enter that major. Grade omission may only be applied to one course. If electing to use grade omission, the student is not required to retake the course.
- Grade Substitution: A student may elect the grade substitution option for one or both of the Grade Forgiveness opportunities. In this case, the course(s) must be retaken, even if it is not required for the student’s current major. This policy may be used to forgive a grade earned the first time a course is taken and the course must be retaken at UT Arlington. A grade substitution petition should be filed after the grade for the second attempt is known.
- Students must file their petition to substitute or omit the grade earned in a course with the aid of their academic advisor. Students must be enrolled at UT Arlington on Census Day of the term that the Grade Forgiveness, if approved, is processed.
- Students MAY apply for Grade Forgiveness for any term (after final grade posting of the previous term but before the Last Drop Day of the current term) before the final semester PRIOR to graduation. Students may not apply for Grade Forgiveness AFTER graduation.
- Courses transferred for credit to UT Arlington from another college or university may not be forgiven under this policy.
- For courses in which the topic may change from term to term, this policy may only be used if the topic for the repeated course is the same as the initial course topic.
- Grade Substitution is not eligible for courses that are no longer offered.
- This policy does not apply to courses taken on a pass/fail basis.
- Individual colleges and schools may limit this policy.
- Students may not apply this policy to grades of D or F which resulted from disciplinary action.
- Students seeking Grade Forgiveness must receive counseling from the following as appropriate: Academic Advisor, to determine the effect on completion of degree requirements and probation requirements; Financial Aid Office, if receiving a scholarship or financial aid administered by that office; Athletic Department, if a student athlete; and International Office, if an international student.
- The grade(s) for the forgiven course(s) will be removed from the grade point average, although the grade(s) received will remain on the student’s transcript.
- A course that has been “grade omitted” or “grade substituted” may not be used to satisfy degree requirements.
- Once Grade Forgiveness has been applied to a course, the student may not have the action reversed.
- Students who are dismissed from the University for academic reasons cannot use Grade Forgiveness until they have completed their dismissal period.
- Forgiven grades will be included in the calculation of the grade point average for determining graduation with Latin Honors.
- The credit hours earned in courses where the grade is forgiven will count toward the 30 hour/45 hour policy for Tuition for Excessive Undergraduate Hours.
- Tuition and fee refunds, rebates or other financial consideration will not be given for courses for which Grade Forgiveness is granted.
- A student may not use credit by exam to receive credit for a course once a student has received a grade for that course even if it has been omitted.
- Students must be enrolled at UT Arlington on Census Day of the term that the forgiven grade, if approved, is processed.
Freshman Progress Reports: Freshmen will receive early progress report grades in or by the fourth week of the fall and spring terms.
Midterm Progress Reports: Freshmen, first term transfers, athletes, undergraduates with a cumulative GPA of 2.25 or lower, and undeclared or freshman students will receive an interim grade report in or by the ninth week of the fall and spring terms.
These progress report grades are not recorded on the student’s official record. They are for information purposes only and are intended to benefit the student as an early alert. The grade reported at the end of a term is the official and permanent evaluation of a student’s performance in a given course. Notifications are sent to students’ UTA email boxes when progress reports are available, and students are urged to frequently review their progress report grades in MyMav during the grade collection period. For the purpose of progress reports, a grade of I indicates that no grade data was available at the time. Students are encouraged to consult their instructor for progress report grade data if an I is reported or if no grade is reported.
Final grades are available in MyMav. Grades are posted at the end of each regular, summer, and intersession session, and academic standing is posted at the end of each term. The grade reported at the end of a term is the official and permanent evaluation of a student’s performance in a given course. Official transcripts are available through the Office of the Registrar for those students who need official verification for tuition reimbursement and other reasons. Students with transcript holds will not be able to access their official transcript.
Final examinations are scheduled at the end of each session or term and identified in the University's academic calendar. All forms of examinations (quizzes, take-home exams, etc.) are prohibited on scheduled class or reading days during the calendar week prior to the week final examinations begin, or after final exams week. All form of examinations must be completed by the end of exam week. Specific exceptions for certain courses may be given by obtaining approval from the appropriate academic unit head and academic dean. Students shall be informed of any such exceptions prior to the end of the fourth week of classes, as published in the University General Catalog.
A period of five class days prior to the first day of final examinations in the long sessions shall be designated as Final Review Week. The purpose of this week is to allow students sufficient time to prepare for final examinations. During this week, there shall be no scheduled activities such as required field trips or performances; and no instructor shall assign any themes, research problems or exercises of similar scope that have a completion date during or following this week unless specified in the class syllabi. During Final Review Week, an instructor shall not give any examinations constituting 10% or more of the final grade, except makeup tests and laboratory examinations. In addition, no instructor shall give any portion of the final examination during Final Review Week.
Official transcripts are available through the Office of the Registrar. Students with transcript holds will not be able to access their official transcript.
In attempting to resolve any student grievances regarding grades, it is the student’s obligation first to make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the individual with whom the grievance originated. Individual course instructors retain primary responsibility for assigning grades. The instructor’s judgment is final unless compelling evidence shows preferential treatment or procedural irregularities. If students wish to appeal, their request must be submitted in writing—on an appeal form available in departmental or program offices—to the department chair or program director. The student has one calendar year from the date the grade is assigned to initiate the grievance. The normal academic channels are department chair or program director and then academic dean. However, before considering a grievance, the department chair or program director will refer the issue to a departmental or program committee of faculty. If the student does not find the committee’s decision acceptable, the student may appeal to the academic dean. The decision of the dean is final. Information specific to the procedures to be followed in each academic unit is available in the office of the academic dean.
The dean of the college or school in which a student is enrolled, or the Associate Vice Provost of the Division of Student Success if the student has not declared a major, has jurisdiction over the student’s program of study, degree requirements and all other academic matters including grievances. However, students taking a course in a college or school other than the one in which they are primarily registered are subject to the dean of the college or school in which the course is offered concerning the course and academic grievances regarding the course.
Information regarding grievances for matters other than grades is available in the Student Rights section of the catalog.
First-time, first-year freshman students with less than 30 credit hours with excellent grades will be recognized by being listed on the Freshman Distinction roll. The Freshman Distinction roll will include those students who have both:
- Less than 30 semester credit hours earned in residence at UT Arlington with a GPA of not less than 3.5, and
- 12 semester credit hours earned in the current term, not including pass/fail work, with a GPA for the semester of not less than 3.5
In addition to this official recognition, the Division of Student Success will be recognizing new students with a 3.0 and 3.49 grade point average, as well as those in the Freshman Distinction roll and All A’s (4.0 GPA), with special recognition from the Associate Vice Provost for Student Success.
Students with excellent grades will be recognized by being listed on the Dean’s List. Dean’s List is awarded by each college to students in that college’s majors. The Dean’s List will include those students who have both:
- 30 semester credit hours earned in residence with a GPA of not less than 3.5 (set by College/School dean), and
- 12 semester credit hours earned in the current term, not including pass/fail work, with a GPA for the semester of not less than 3.5 (set by College/School dean).
The grade of I designates the grade of incomplete. A graduate student unable to complete all assigned work in a class in the term in which it was taken may, at the discretion of the instructor, receive an I grade. This grade is not given automatically when a student does not complete all assigned work. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with the instructor to secure a grade of I before the term ends. The grade of I will remain as part of the student's academic record until the work is completed and a final grade awarded. To change a grade of I to another grade, the instructor must submit a change of grade form. A grade of I does not carry credit value. This grade is not awarded in research, internship, thesis or dissertation courses. Students in Canvas courses that receive an incomplete grade automatically retain their enrollment in the Bb course and section in which they received the incomplete until the incomplete is resolved.
The grade of R designates the grade of research in progress and is given only in research, internship, thesis or dissertation courses. A graduate student unable to complete assignments in one of these courses may, at the discretion of the instructor, receive an R grade. The R grade is a permanent grade and indicates dissertation continuation. To receive academic credit in an R-graded course, a student must re-register for and successfully complete the course earning a valid passing grade for the course. Grading policy in some courses may change during the period covered by this catalog. Grading policy for each course each term is included in the course syllabus. Students should verify the grading policy with the instructor at the beginning of each term.
A grade of W may be assigned if a student chooses to withdraw from a class after Census date but prior to the last date to drop posted in the University's Academic Calendar. However, the grade of W is not automatically awarded. Graduate students must consult with their graduate advisor about their reasons for withdrawal before withdrawing from a class. Further, the student must secure the permission of the class instructor to withdraw. The instructor shall determine whether the student will be granted a W or will receive a grade for the course commensurate with the proportion of the course requirements that have been completed successfully. The grade decision is based on the instructor’s judgment, The instructor will inform the student of the grade decision before finalizing the request. Students who have withdrawn from a course must re-enroll in it to receive credit.
Grade of Z
The grade of Z designates the grade of clinical in progress and is given only in clinical courses. A graduate student unable to complete assignments in one of these courses may, at the discretion of the instructor, receive an Z grade. The Z grade is a permanent grade and does not carry credit value. To receive academic credit in an Z-graded course, a student must re-register for and successfully complete the course earning a valid passing grade for the course. Grading policy in some courses may change during the period covered by this catalog. Grading policy for each course each term is included in the course syllabus. Students should verify the grading policy with the instructor at the beginning of each term.
Research or Internship Course Grades
The only grades awarded in most research or internship courses are P (pass), R (research in progress) , F (fail) or W (withdrawn).
THESIS (5398, 5698 ) GRADES
R (research in progress), F (fail), W (withdrawn) or, if program policy permits, P (pass) may be awarded in 5398. Grades of R (research in progress) F (fail), W (withdrawn) or P (pass) are awarded in 5698. The grade of P can only been awarded when the thesis defense is passed unconditionally and the final version of the thesis is accepted by the supervising committee..
Only R (research in progress), F (fail) or W (withdrawn) are awarded in this course.
The grades P (pass), (R) research in progress, F (fail) and W (withdrawn) may be awarded in these courses. The grade of P can be awarded when the dissertation defense is passed unconditionally and the final version of the dissertation is accepted by the supervising committee. R, F, or W grades are assigned otherwise.
A student may repeat any course except as limited by individual colleges and schools, provided the student’s grade earned in an earlier term is below C. Courses transferred for credit to UT Arlington from another college or university may not be repeated for credit. A student may not repeat a course for additional hours toward a degree unless the catalog description specifically states that the course may be repeated for credit.
Courses originally taken or repeated at another university will not affect a student’s grade point average at UT Arlington. If a student earned a grade of less than C in a course taken at UT Arlington, the student may take that course or its equivalent at another university for transfer to UT Arlington only with the prior written approval of the student’s major department chair or academic dean.
Graduate Grade Forgiveness is available to graduate students enrolled in a master's degree plan beginning Fall 2023. BS-to-PhD students are eligible provided that the student has not completed 30 hours of graduate course work. Students enrolled in a doctoral program are not eligible for Graduate Grade Forgiveness.
All Master's degree-seeking students who began their program prior to Fall 2023 may be eligible for grade forgiveness provided that the course was attempted only once prior to Fall 2023; courses attempted two or more times prior to Fall 2023 are not eligible.
Students may use the Graduate Grade Forgiveness policy if they receive a grade of C, D, or F in a graduate course at UT Arlington, by electing to repeat the course(s). Students must contact their academic advisor, who files the Grade Forgiveness petition on their behalf. All Grade Forgiveness requests submitted during the term must be submitted by the last day to drop a course to be processed that term. Students must be enrolled on Census Date for their Grade Forgiveness petition in that term to be process during that term. See the Academic Calendar for Census Date and Last Drop Date information. A student is limited to a total of two Graduate Grade Forgiveness petitions, regardless of major/degree or any changes to major/degree, under the following conditions:
- Students seeking grade forgiveness must receive counseling from the following as appropriate: Academic Advisor, to determine the effect on completion of degree requirements and probation requirements; Financial Aid Office, if receiving a scholarship or financial aid administered by that office; Athletic Department, if a student athlete; and International Office, if an international student.
- A student may elect to use both Graduate Grade Forgiveness opportunities by repeating the same course up to two times or by repeating two different courses at UT Arlington.
- Grade Forgiveness may be applied to the lesser grade(s) attempted at UT Arlington, and only the better of the eligible grades will be used in the calculation of the student's grade point average.
- The grade(s) for the forgiven course(s) will be removed from the GPA calculation, although the grade(s) received will remain on the student's transcript.
- Only the course(s) and affiliated credit hours retaken in conformity with the Graduate Grade Forgiveness policy will apply to degree requirements. Earlier attempts, including the course credit hours, leading to grades that are forgiven under this policy will not count towards degree requirements.
- Students must file their petition for forgiveness of a grade earned in a course with the aid of their academic advisor. Students must be enrolled at UT Arlington on Census Day of the term that the Grade Forgiveness, if approved, is processed.
- Students MAY apply for Grade Forgiveness for any term (after final grade posting of the previous term but before the Last Drop Day of the current term) before the final semester PRIOR to graduate degree conferral. Students may not apply for Grade Forgiveness AFTER their degree is conferred.
- Courses transferred for credit to UT Arlington from another college or university may not be forgiven under this policy nor be used towards grade forgiveness for grades earned at UT Arlington.
- A current topics course may not be retaken for purposes of grade forgiveness if its content differs from that presented in the course which was taken previously.
- Grade Forgiveness is not eligible for courses that are no longer offered.
- The policy does not apply to courses taken on a pass/fail basis.
- Students may not apply this policy to grades awarded as a result of disciplinary action.
- Tuition and fee refunds, rebates, or other financial consideration will not be given for courses for which Grade Forgiveness is granted.
- Once Grade Forgiveness is applied to a course, the student may not have the action reversed.
- Students who are dismissed from the University for academic reasons cannot use Grade Forgiveness until they have completed their dismissal period.
- A student may not use credit by exam to receive credit for a course once a student has received a grade for that course, even if it has been forgiven.
Final grades are available in MyMav. Grades are posted at the end of each regular, summer, and intersession session, and academic standing is posted at the end of each term. The grade reported at the end of a term is the official and permanent evaluation of a student’s performance in a given course. Official transcripts are available through the Office of the Registrar for those students who need official verification for tuition reimbursement and other reasons. Students with transcript holds will not be able to access their official transcript.
Final examinations are scheduled at the end of each session or term and identified in the University's academic calendar. All forms of examinations (quizzes, take-home exams, etc.) are prohibited on scheduled class or reading days during the calendar week prior to the week final examinations begin, or after final exams week. All form of examinations must be completed by the end of exam week. Specific exceptions for certain courses may be given by obtaining approval from the appropriate academic unit head and academic dean. Students shall be informed of any such exceptions prior to the end of the fourth week of classes, as published in the University General Catalog.
A period of five class days prior to the first day of final examinations in the long sessions shall be designated as Final Review Week. The purpose of this week is to allow students sufficient time to prepare for final examinations. During this week, there shall be no scheduled activities such as required field trips or performances; and no instructor shall assign any themes, research problems or exercises of similar scope that have a completion date during or following this week unless specified in the class syllabi. During Final Review Week, an instructor shall not give any examinations constituting 10% or more of the final grade, except makeup tests and laboratory examinations. In addition, no instructor shall give any portion of the final examination during Final Review Week.
Official transcripts are available through the Office of the Registrar. Students with transcript holds will not be able to access their official transcript.
In attempting to resolve any student grievances regarding grades, it is the student’s obligation first to make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the individual with whom the grievance originated. Individual course instructors retain primary responsibility for assigning grades. The instructor’s judgment is final unless compelling evidence shows preferential treatment or procedural irregularities. If students wish to appeal, their request must be submitted in writing—on an appeal form available in departmental or program offices—to the department chair or program director. The student has one calendar year from the date the grade is assigned to initiate the grievance. The normal academic channels are department chair or program director and then academic Dean. However, before considering a grievance, the department chair or program director will refer the issue to a departmental or program committee of faculty. If the student does not find the committee’s decision acceptable, the student may appeal to the academic Dean. The decision of the Dean is final. Information specific to the procedures to be followed in each academic unit is available in the office of the academic Dean.
Information regarding grievances for matters other than grades is available in the Student Rights section of the catalog.
In general, only courses completed with a grade of A, B, C, or P can satisfy graduate degree or certificate requirements. However, courses in which grades of D or F are earned will affect a student's grade-point average. A student must have a B (3.0) grade-point average in courses included in their degree plan and a B (3.0) average in all work undertaken as a graduate student to have credits applied toward a graduate degree or certificate. However, some certificate programs require that students earn at least a B in each course in order to earn the certificate.
No course that has been applied to any degree, at any graduate or undergraduate institution, may be applied to any other degree, either directly or by substitution except in approved dual degree or approved fast track programs. The amount of shared credit between degrees in dual degree programs is limited and varies with the total number of hours needed to complete both degrees. See Dual Degree Programs in the Advanced Degrees and Requirements section of this catalog for details. Similarly, the amount of credit that can be shared in fast track programs is also limited. Details may be found in descriptions provided by participating programs elsewhere in this catalog.
A student may repeat a course only if that course is specifically designated in this catalog as one that can be repeated for credit. A student who fails to receive credit (earns a grade of D or F) may repeat the course in order to obtain credit, in which case the grades for both attempts will count in computing the student's overall grade-point average. No student will be allowed to repeat a course in order to change a passing grade of C or higher.
Up to nine hours of advanced undergraduate credit from UT Arlington or another institution may be applied to a master's degree program if the hours have not been used to earn a previous degree and have the approval of the appropriate Graduate Studies Committee and the academic Dean. Approved fast track programs may allow dual credit.
Work done in extension classes may be applied toward an advanced degree under the same conditions that apply to transfer work, except that credit for extension work is limited to six credit hours.
UT Arlington undergraduates may be allowed to take graduate courses and have the credits earned apply to a master’s degree.
- An undergraduate student may not use graduate courses (numbered 5000 and above) to fulfill undergraduate degree requirements except as part of an approved fast track program.
- Courses taken in undergraduate status may not be applied directly to a doctoral program.
- Some departments do not permit students to enroll in graduate courses unless they have been admitted as degree seeking graduate students. Others allow students enrolled as undergraduates to take a limited amount of graduate coursework under the conditions described below.
- All undergraduate students should consult with the appropriate graduate advisor before attempting to register for graduate courses.
An undergraduate needing no more than 12 hours in one term (six semester hours in one summer session) to complete all the requirements for a bachelor's degree may register for graduate courses and apply them toward a master's degree at UT Arlington under the following conditions:
- In no case may a student previously dismissed from their graduate program or denied admission enroll in graduate courses or reserve courses for graduate credit.
- All work for undergraduate credit must be completed during that term or session in which the student enrolls in graduate courses.
- Total registration for all work may not exceed 15 semester hours in a term (or 12 semester hours in the summer sessions).
- The student must submit to the graduate advisor a "Reservation of Courses for Graduate Credit by Undergraduate Students" form (available from graduate advisors). The reservation must be approved by the graduate advisor and the academic Dean of the college in which the course is taken. The Office of the Registrar must certify that the reserved credit will not be applied to the student's undergraduate degree requirements.
- The student must have at least a 3.0 undergraduate GPA to be eligible to enroll in a graduate course and to reserve it for graduate degree credit.
- Courses taken at UT Arlington and reserved for graduate credit may be applied to a master's degree program only if a grade of A, B, C, or P was earned.
- Credit is officially accepted for application to a graduate program when a student is unconditionally admitted as a graduate student..
- A maximum of 12 semester hours of graduate level courses may be reserved.
Students who have completed their undergraduate studies and have been awarded their bachelor's degree may enroll as degreed undergraduates in graduate-level course work and receive graduate credit at UT Arlington under the following conditions:
- Courses taken at UT Arlington and reserved for graduate credit may be applied to a master's degree program only if a grade of A, B, C, or P was earned.
- No more than 12 semester hours of credit earned while a degreed undergraduate may be applied for credit toward a master's degree. Students must file a request, approved by the graduate advisor, the Committee on Graduate Studies, and the academic Dean to apply such credits toward a graduate degree. The form is available online.
- All courses that are applied to a master's degree must have been completed no more than five years before enrollment in a graduate program at UT Arlington. If the student has completed more than 12 semester hours of graduate courses in undergraduate status, only graduate courses completed within five years of enrollment in a graduate program at UT Arlington will become part of the graduate record and considered in computing the student's grade-point average.
- A student may elect to apply all graduate courses completed in the last five years toward their degree or to apply none of this work. Selective application of courses is not permitted. If any courses are applied for credit toward a master's degree, all courses completed within the last five years will become part of the graduate record.
Equivalent coursework completed at other institutions of recognized standing may be transferred to a master's degree program after evaluation and approval. Transferred courses do not appear on the UT Arlington Official Transcript and grades earned in transferred courses are not included in calculating a student's UT Arlington graduate grade-point average.
No more than nine hours of transfer credit will be granted except in the professional master's programs that require more than 36 hours of coursework. In such programs, the number of transfer hours is limited to 25 percent of the total program hours. This rule does not invalidate written articulation agreements that have been approved by all appropriate parties, including the Dean, Provost, and/or President. Transfer credit will be accepted only for organized courses in which the student received a letter grade of B (3.0) or higher and an official transcript showing the course(s) and grade(s) is required.
Courses from other universities taken after a student has been admitted into a master's program at UT Arlington must be approved in advance by the appropriate Committee on Graduate Studies and is reviewed by the dean of the college or school in which the student’s current graduate degree program is located. . All work submitted for transfer credit must have been completed no more than six years before completion of a graduate program at UT Arlington.
To request transfer credit, students must complete the Transfer of Graduate Credit form and obtain approvals from the appropriate graduate advisor and chair of the Committee on Graduate Studies and final approval from the dean of the student’s college or school. The form is available online.
Equivalent coursework completed at other institutions of recognized standing may be transferred to a graduate certificate program after evaluation and approval of the graduate advisor, the appropriate Committee on Graduate Studies and the Dean of the College or School in which the student is currently enrolled. The number of transfer units is limited to 50% of the total units required for the certificate, except in certificate programs that exceed 15 units, in which case 12 of those units must be taken in residence. This rule does not invalidate written agreements between graduate certificate programs and the Office of Graduate Studies or agreements that are stated elsewhere in this catalog. Transfer credit will be accepted only for organized courses in which the student received a letter grade of B or higher and an official transcript showing the course(s) and grade(s) is required.
Courses from other universities taken after a student has been admitted into a graduate certificate program at UT Arlington must be approved in advance by the graduate advisor, the appropriate Committee on Graduate Studies and the Dean of the College or School in the student’s current graduate degree program is located. The form is available online.
Grades earned in transferred courses are not included in calculating a student's UT Arlington graduate grade-point average.
Graduate-level coursework completed in the student’s major area of doctoral study at institutions of recognized standing that grant doctoral degrees in those subject areas may serve to establish the student’s competency in equivalent UT Arlington courses. Competency demonstrated by successful completion of equivalent courses may provide a basis for waiving some UT Arlington course requirements and the credit hours associated with those courses. Waivers must be recommended by the student’s graduate advisor and current supervising professor and their recommendation must be approved by both the Committee on Graduate Studies of the student’s major area and the Academic Dean. Only courses in which the student has earned a B (3.0) or better (or a P if the UTA course is also graded P/F) will be considered for purposes of a waiver. In no case will final semester Dissertation course (6x99 or 7399) requirements be waived. Waived courses must be shown on the student’s academic plan.
Audited Classes: University credit is not granted for audited classes and audited classes will not satisfy enrollment requirements.
Personal Improvement Courses: Personal improvement individual or group music or art lessons and exercise and sports activities courses can not be used for the following: 1) to satisfy graduate degree requirements; 2) meet enrollment requirements; 3) in computation of graduate grade-point averages or determination of academic probation or academic good standing; 4) in calculation of grade-point averages for the purpose of admission to a Graduate Program or for certification for graduation from a Graduate Program.
Correspondence Courses: Correspondence courses are not accepted for graduate credit.
Credit by Examination: Credit by examination may not be used for graduate credit and no such credit, graduate or undergraduate may appear on graduate student transcripts.
Credit Used to Earn Another Degree: No course that has been applied to any degree, at any graduate or undergraduate institution, may be applied to any other degree, either directly or by substitution except in approved dual degree or approved fast track programs.