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Student Conduct & Academic Integrity

All students are expected to obey the civil and penal statutes of the State of Texas and the United States, the Regents’ Rules and Regulations of The University of Texas System, the rules and regulations of the University, and the orders or instructions issued by an administrative official of the University or The University of Texas System in the course of his/her duties and to observe standards of conduct that are compatible with the University’s functions as an educational institution.  Any student who engages in conduct that is prohibited by the Regents’ Rules and Regulations or the rules of the University, or by federal, state, local law or regulation is subject to disciplinary action regardless of whether such conduct takes place on or off campus, or whether civil or criminal penalties are also imposed for such conduct. Individuals who are not currently enrolled at UT Arlington remain subject to the disciplinary process for conduct that occurred during any period of enrollment and for statements, acts, or omissions related to application for enrollment or the award of a degree.

Information about the rules of conduct and due process procedures can be found in the UT Arlington Handbook of Operations Procedures.

University Honor Code

All students are expected to live by the University of Texas at Arlington’s honor code:

I pledge, on my honor, to uphold UT Arlington’s tradition of academic integrity, a tradition that values hard work and honest effort in the pursuit of academic excellence. I promise that I will submit only work that I personally create or that I contribute to group collaborations, and I will appropriately reference any work from other sources. I will follow the highest standards of integrity and uphold the spirit of the Honor Code.

It is the policy of The University of Texas at Arlington to uphold and support standards of personal honesty and integrity for all students consistent with the goals of a community of scholars and students seeking knowledge and responsibility. Furthermore, it is the policy of the University to enforce these standards through fair and objective procedures governing instances of alleged dishonesty, cheating and other academic/non-academic misconduct. Students found responsible for dishonesty in their academic pursuits are subject to sanctions that may range from disciplinary probation, suspension and expulsion from the University.

Student Travel Policy

Before any student organization travels, it is beneficial to come to the Office of Student Governance and Organizations to receive information about liability and to consider using release forms that are available (Texas Education Code, Section 51.950).

However, if the trip is funded by the University (including Program Assistance Funds), is more than 25 miles from the University, and the vehicle is owned or leased by the University, or if attendance is required by a student organization, then the organization must submit the Student/Group Travel Form and the University Request for Travel Authorization at least 10 days prior to the date of travel. All forms and additional information are available in the Office of Student Governance and Organizations. For additional information, see the UT Arlington Handbook of Operating Procedures, Part II, Subchapter 6-600.

Academic Integrity

What Constitutes Scholastic Dishonesty?

Scholastic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, and collusion on an examination or an assignment being offered for credit. Each student is accountable for work submitted for credit, including group projects.


• Copying another’s test or assignment.

• Communication with another during an exam or assignment (i.e., written, oral or otherwise).

• Giving or seeking aid from another when not permitted by the instructor.

• Possessing or using unauthorized materials during the test.

• Buying, using, stealing, transporting, or soliciting a test, draft of a test, or answer key.


• Using someone else’s work in your assignment without appropriate acknowledgement.

• Making slight variations in the language and then failing to give credit to the source.


• Without authorization, collaborating with another when preparing an assignment.

In accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System (Rule 50101), institutional procedures regarding allegations of scholastic dishonesty are outlined in Part Two, Chapter 2, of the UT Arlington Handbook of Operating Procedures. Students found responsible for dishonesty in their academic pursuits are subject to penalties that may range from disciplinary probation to suspension or expulsion from the University.

Any student who registers to attend classes at UT Arlington and is ineligible to attend for disciplinary reasons will be dropped automatically from the rolls of the University. This information may be obtained by accessing the Office of Student Conduct website at

Responsibility for Academic Misconduct

There are two ways in which students are held responsible for their academic behavior. First, students are responsible for their own actions. Those that violate the principles of academic integrity, scholastic honesty, or engage in activities prohibited by the Code of Student Conduct must assume responsibility for their behavior and accept the consequences. You can assume responsibility in two ways. First, if you choose to take the risk associated with scholastic dishonesty and any other violation of the Code of Student Conduct and Discipline, you must assume responsibility for your behavior and accept the consequences. In an academic community, the standards for integrity are high. Second, students who become aware of if you are aware of scholastic dishonesty and any other conduct violations on the part of others, you have the responsibility to report it to the relevant professor or the Office of Student Conduct. The decision to do so is another moral dilemma to be faced as you define who you are.

Student Conduct

Office of Student Conduct

All students are expected to obey the civil and penal statutes of the State of Texas and the United States, the Regents’ Rules and Regulations of The University of Texas System, the rules and regulations of the University, and the orders or instructions issued by an administrative official of the University or The University of Texas System in the course of his/her duties and to observe standards of conduct that are compatible with the University’s functions as an educational institution.  Any student who engages in conduct that is prohibited by the rules of the University, or by federal, state, local law or regulation is subject to disciplinary action regardless of whether such conduct takes place on or off campus or whether civil or criminal penalties are also imposed for such conduct. Individuals who are not currently enrolled at a component institution of The University of Texas System remain subject to the disciplinary process for conduct that occurred during any period of enrollment and for statements, acts, or omissions related to application for enrollment or the award of a degree.

Information about the rules of conduct and due process procedures can be found on these Web sites:

Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Material

Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material may subject students to disciplinary action and civil and criminal penalties. Information concerning the legal consequences of such violations may be found in Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code , Circular 92 (  The University’s policies on copyrighted materials (ADM 5-200 and 5-300) can be found at


The 74th Texas Legislature modified the law concerning hazing which became effective May 30, 1995. Under the law, individuals or organizations engaging in hazing could be subject to fines and charged with criminal offenses (Section 51.936, Texas Education Code).

A person violates the law if he or she:

  • engages in hazing; or
  • solicits, encourages, directs, aids or attempts to aid another engaging in hazing; or
  • recklessly permits hazing to occur; or
  • has firsthand knowledge of the planning of a specific hazing incident involving a student in an educational institution, or
  • has firsthand knowledge that a specific hazing incident has occurred, and knowingly fails to report that knowledge in writing to the Office of Student Conduct or other appropriate official of the institution.

An organization violates the law if

  • the organization condones or encourages hazing or
  • if an officer or any combination of members, pledges, or
  • alumni of the organization commits or assists in the commission of hazing.

Thus, according to the law, a person can commit a hazing offense not only by engaging in a hazing activity, but also by soliciting, directing, encouraging, aiding or attempting to aid another in hazing; intentionally, knowingly or recklessly allowing hazing to occur; or by failing to report first hand information that a hazing incident is planned or has occurred in writing to the Office of Student Conduct. The fact that a person consented to or acquiesced in a hazing activity is not a defense to prosecution for hazing under this law.

In an effort to encourage reporting of hazing incidents, the law grants immunity from civil or criminal liability to any person who reports a specific hazing event to the Office of Student Conduct; and immunizes that person from participation in any judicial proceeding resulting from that report. The penalty for failure to report is a fine of up to $2,000, up to 180 days in jail, or both. Penalties for other hazing offenses vary according to the severity of the injury, which results and range from $500 to $10,000 in fines and up to two years confinement.

The law defines hazing as any intentional, knowing or reckless act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization whose members are or include students at an educational institution. Hazing includes but is not limited to:

  • Any type of physical brutality, such as whipping, beating, striking, branding, electronic shocking, placing a harmful substance on the body, or similar activity;
  • Any type of physical activity, such as sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in small space, calisthenics, or other activity that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk or harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student;
  • Any activity involving consumption of food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug, or other substance which subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or which adversely affects the mental or physical health of the student;
  • Any activity that intimidates or threatens the student with ostracism, that subjects the student to extreme mental stress, shame, or humiliation, or that adversely affects the mental health or dignity of the student or discourages the student from entering or remaining registered in an educational institution, or that may reasonably be expected to cause a student to leave the organization or the institution rather than submit to acts described in this subsection;
  • Any activity that induces, causes, or requires the students to perform a duty or tasks, which involved a violation of the Penal Code.

The University of Texas at Arlington regards hazing as a serious issue and is committed to the removal of any such practice. The Office of Student Conduct is prepared to assist any organization with a review of its activities to ensure they do not violate the hazing law.

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct

The safety and security of all students is of the utmost importance.  Instances of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct impact the entire community and disrupt the academic progress of all involved.  The University of Texas at Arlington’s Handbook of Operating Procedures, Procedure 14-1 states the following:

Definition of Sexual Harassment:

Sexual harassment is defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the courts to be any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when:

  • submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment (or a student's status in a course, program, or activity);
  • submission to, or rejection of such conduct by an employee is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting the individual. In the case of a student, it is used as a basis for academic or decisions affecting a student; or,
  • such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual's employment (or the student's educational experience) or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic environment.

Definition of Sexual Misconduct:

Sexual misconduct includes sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed towards another individual that does not rise to the level of sexual harassment but is unprofessional and inappropriate for the workplace or classroom. Examples of behavior that could be considered sexual harassment or sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • physical contact of a sexual nature including touching, patting, hugging, or brushing against a person's body;
  • explicit or implicit propositions of offers to engage in sexual activity;
  • comments of a sexual nature including sexually explicit statement, questions, jokes or anecdotes, remarks of a sexual nature about a person's clothing or body, remarks about sexual activity, speculation about sexual experience;
  • exposure to sexually oriented graffiti, pictures, posters or materials;
  • physical interference with or restriction to an individual's movements.

If a person believes they have been the subject of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, it should be reported immediately to the Equal Opportunity Services Director, the University Police Department and/or the Office of Student Conduct.

The University offers various educational opportunities, campus resources and avenues for support to community members.  More information can be found at the following links:

Campus Solicitations

"Solicitation," as defined in Rule 80103, Section 3 of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System, means the sale, lease, rental or offer for sale, lease or rental of any property, product, merchandise, publication or service, whether for immediate or future delivery; an oral statement or the distribution or display of printed material, merchandise or products that is designed to encourage the purchase, use or rental of any property, product, merchandise, publication or service; the oral or written appeal or request to support or join an organization other than a registered student, faculty or staff organization; the receipt of or request for any gift or contribution; or the request to support or oppose or to vote for or against a candidate, issue or proposition appearing on the ballot at any election held pursuant to state or federal law or local ordinances. All solicitations on the UT Arlington campus must conform to the Regents’ Rules and Regulations, copies of which are available in the offices of the president, vice presidents, academic deans, numerous other administrative offices and the Central Library. The Regents’ Rules and Regulations also may be accessed at the following Web site:

Use of Campus Facilities

The property, buildings or facilities owned or controlled by The University of Texas at Arlington are not open for assembly, speech or other activities as are the public streets, sidewalks and parks. No person, organization, group, association or corporation may use property, buildings or facilities owned or controlled by UT Arlington for any purpose other than in the course of the regular programs or activities related to the University’s role and mission unless authorized by the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System. Any authorized use must be conducted in compliance with the provisions of the Regents’ Rules and Regulations (Regents’ Rules and Regulations, Rule 80101), the approved rules and regulations of UT Arlington, and applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.

Photo Identification Cards

Students are strongly urged to retain possession of their photo identification cards at all times. Misuse of University identification is an offense, which subjects students to discipline. Students lending their photo identification cards for fraudulent purposes, as well as those making use of them, will be disciplined. The student photo identification card is the property of the University, and a student may be asked to surrender the card for appropriate reasons.